Chapter 107

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Chapter 107: Xu Jiamu x Cheng Siying

    Once in the same bed, the relationship between Xu Jiamu and Cheng Siying gradually became closer. In addition to the more and more small pearl emojis in the chat records of the two, Xu Jiamu would invite Cheng Siying to dinner or bring gifts after work. Cheng's biological institute asked Mr. Xu, and the two of them went for a walk in the park.

    Cheng Siying has been thinking about Xu Jiamu's suggestion. A week later, she accepted Xu Jiamu's investment in Cheng's Bio with her personal funds. Cheng's Bio and Xu Jiamu signed a contract. As the largest investor in Cheng's Bio, she will conduct various researches in Cheng's future. After the results are listed, they enjoy dividends, but they cannot force Cheng's biological affairs. For this reason, Cheng Siying ceded part of the dividends he owned to Xu Jiamu.

    "If the world needs Cheng's results, we will give priority to meeting the needs of the world as slowly as possible." Cheng Siying said.

    Xu Jiamu signed without hesitation, and heard the words: "Then we will build a production line in the future."

    Most of Cheng's Institute of Biology are researchers. Xu Jiamu plans to let trusted people take over the normal operation of Cheng's, so that researchers can carry out scientific research work with peace of mind. .


    Cheng Siying nodded, suddenly looking forward to the future.

    She saw the woman who had signed the letter stand up, her straight shoulders leaned forward slightly, and her slender hand stretched out.

    "Mr. Cheng, please give me more advice in the future."

    Cheng Siying saw Xu Jiamu's mouth smiling slightly, and the corners of her mouth curved up subconsciously.

    "Xu Jiamu, please advise."

    This signing ceremony, without inviting any media and notifying anyone, was completed under the watchful eyes of the assistant team of the secretary group behind Xu Jiamu and all researchers of Cheng's biology.

    The smiles of the two were frozen in the photo of the assistant's mobile phone.

    Although the assistant's photography skills are worrying, but fortunately, the two people's temperament and appearance are better than ordinary people. Everyone in the photo is smiling, and the photo looks good. The developed photos are hung in the halls, corridors and the almost unused director's office of Cheng's Biological Institute. When all kinds of new equipment arrive at the institute within half a month, although there are still some large and precious equipment. It will take a while, but everyone in the institute has a feeling of pain and pleasure.

    The research equipment and funds were in place, and the researchers who had recharged their energy for nearly a year quickly went to work. Some of them left the peak a long time ago, and some followed Cheng Siying and stayed at the peak until the end, but all of them did not Abandoning the research of new materials, countless deductions, online meetings and discussions, this time I finally put the vision into reality, and everyone has a determination that I want new materials to be born in situ today.

    What, I can't study it today?

    Then I'm not leaving!

    Xu Jiamu looked at the row of her own greetings in the chat log, and suddenly remembered that once, Ms. Xu Menglan laughed at her that she only knew about work, and when she was busy, she didn't reply to the news, and did not consider her mood at all.

    Inexplicably, a trace of guilt towards the old mother appeared in her heart, so Xu Jiamu opened the chatting column of the old mother.

    "Have Mumu eaten?"

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