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“The human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business engineering-these are noble pursuits necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love… these are what we stay alive for.” - Unknown 



Never gonna give you up - Rick Astley

(i promise i’m not rickrolling you)


[ Harry's POV ]


Andy comes to school with a bruise on his nose, Kat comes with a pound of (very noticeable) makeup smothered on her cheek. Me and Louis stifle laughter every time we see them. Louis's lip heals in only a few days. And my shoulder is also pretty much back to normal. Looking at us you wouldn’t suspect anything. But me and Louis just feel different. He is so much more careful. As if  I'm a two-year-old. 


We are watching a random t.v show that came on. Louis practically lives at my house. My mom isn’t even phased when she comes from home work and Louis is hanging off our couch. 

“Hi, Louis.” She says the second she walks through the door. Not even looking in our direction. Like she just expects it at this point. She walks through the house and soon I hear her door close. We turn back to the t.v and continue to watch. The two main characters are fighting. Punching, hitting, and screaming. It’s a comedy so it’s quite funny to watch. I’m waiting to see who wins when the t.v powers down. And I can see my reflection staring back at me. I turn to Louis and he is wide-eyed and holding the remote. 

“Is everything ok…?” I ask, confused. 

“I didn’t want you to get upset by that.” He says quickly, fumbling with the remote. “We can watch something else-”

“It’s okay Louis,” I say with a laugh. “It’s fake.”

“You sure?” 

“Yes, it’s fine.” He nods and turns the t.v back. I smile to myself and look down at my lap so he doesn’t see.


“I’m bored,” I state, lying on Louis's couch. It’s after school and we are all alone at his house. He looks up from the other side of the couch and rolls his eyes. I cross my arms and pretend to be mad. 

“I’ll read if you want.” He says, tucking his away phone and sitting up straighter. I nod and pull the book out of my backpack. I always bring it with me, everywhere. I pass it to him and he opens it up on the bookmark. 

“His mom and dad called him Gus.” He starts, I could listen to him read for the rest of my life. I could listen to him read the dictionary. I lay my feet in his lap and he starts stroking my ankles. Sending little bursts of flames through my body with every second.

After a while of reading, we decide that’s enough for the day and he hands the book to me. 

“Can you put it on my bookshelf?” He asks, different than me normally keeping it.

“Don’t you want me to have it?” 

“I want it for the week.” He says with a shrug.

“Your acting like it is our child and we are fighting over custody,” I mutter, but agree and get off the couch. Instantly missing his fingers trailing around my ankles. 

“Just shove it somewhere it’ll fit!” He shouts as I'm already going through the hallway.

“Ok!” I shout over my shoulder and open his room door. Looking to the left and seeing his bookshelf. He put it in a few months ago and already has too many books to count. I see an open spot and shove the book into it. 

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Where stories live. Discover now