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Become the warm jets - Current joys


[ Harry's POV ] 

"So I got a call from the school today." My mom casually mentions during dinner. Making me freeze up.

"Really?" I say, stuffing my face with spaghetti. "I wonder uh- what it could have been about."

She raises an eyebrow and spins her fork around. "They claimed that you were not present during your classes today. And neither was Louis."

"Oh- well uh." I stumble through the sentence. Trying to come up with a decent lie. Clearly failing miserably.

"No need to explain, I was a teenager once." She interrupts. Standing up and ruffling my hair. "Just so long you weren't having too much fun." Clearly hinting at, something. I sit there for a few seconds confused before it clicks.

I frantically say. "Mommmmm no no no." While turning bright red and sliding down in my chair.

"Just don't let it happen too often." She says with a chuckle.

"Can I be excused?"

"Of course."


I jump out of my chair and practically sprint up to my room. (skipping the 3rd and 7th step of course). And after walking through the door 3 times I grab my phone to text Louis.

H: Louis my mom found out about our little trip today

L: Did she care? Tell her I said sorry. Tell her it was my fault. I'm sorry if I got you in trouble curly

H: She didn't really care, she just made sure we didn't... other things.


H: No in YOUR dreams

L: Not gonna disagree. ;)


I put my phone down and sigh to myself, then I get a great idea. I dig an old star projector out of my closet. After plugging it in I found out it still works. (Quite a surprise to me). I go turn out all my lights and close my door.

H: Wanna facetime?

L: Sure.

Louis answers on the first ring. And then his face appears on my phone screen.

"What are we doing Harry, and why is your room all dark."

"Can you just shut your tiny trap for a few seconds."

"HEY! I'M BIG." He protests.

"Mhmm sure." I say with an eye roll. Laying my phone on the body pillow next to me.

"Are- are those stars? Harry what are we doing."

"We are stargazing Louis." I say.


We lay there for HOURS. Until there is just small snores coming from my phone. I look over and Louis is asleep. I close my eyes and snuggle up to the body pillow with his face resting on. And I fall asleep pretending I'm laying on Louis's chest.


Love you

- T xxxx 

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ