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"I say, fall head over heels. Find someone who you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well... you forget your head and listen to your heart." 

- Willam Parrish


* 3 week time jump *

[ Harry's POV ]  


"What are you doing tomorrow Harry?" Louis asks me on our drive to my house.

"Nothing, what are you doing."

"Well, Liam is dragging Niall and I to the pumpkin patch because he's a middle aged mother like that." He says with a sigh. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. 

"I don't know, it sounds like fun." I say with a shrug, I look down and fiddle with my fingers. 

"Come with us." He says, less of a question and more of an order. 

"Oh no I don't think-"

"Come on Harry it'll be fun." He encourages. The smile on his face is screaming yes, and so is my heart. But my brain, and every other organ in my body is saying no. I decide to block them out and tell him I'll go. Something I couldn't have dreamed of doing even four months ago. 


L: We are gonna come pick you up at 9:00 tomorrow. Wear something cute ;)

I roll my eyes at his text and leave him on opened. But decide I'll pick out something decent to wear anyways. After standing infornt of my closet for almost 20 minutes, i decide on my red flannel, a pair of black skinny jeans and a gray beanie. To hide my ugly, frizzy curls.

I spend the rest of the night chipping off my black nail polish so the boys won't see it. 




"You three idiot know that you can just text me when you're here right?" I say as I get into the backseat with Louis. Niall is driving this time and Liam is on his phone in the passenger seat. 

"Niall clearly thinks getting charged with disturbing the peace would be more efficient." Louis says with a eye roll. 

"Chill out tic tac you can't get arrested for honking the horn-"

"Actually." Laim buts in.

"Shut it or i'll throw you out of the car."

"You're gonna throw me out of MY OWN CAR?"

"THE ONE WHO HOLDS THE WHEEL HOLDS THE POWER." Niall shouts over him. His accent is getting thicker by the minute.

"Fucking children." Louis mutters while leaning to the front seat to break up their fight. "CAN WE LEAVE HARRY'S DRIVEWAY. BEFORE WE START DECOMPOSING IDEALLY." 

"Fine." Niall grunts, switching the stick shift and backing out of the driveway. The car settles into silence. Liam occasionally shoots Niall death glares. Which he returns right back to him. Until Louis shouts for him to keep his eyes on the road. 

"I like the beanie." Louis tells me halfway through the drive. 


"But I like the curls even more."


"We're here." Niall shouts. 

"What a miracle." Liam mumbles.

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