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I'd rather be a lover than a fighter...Never felt a feeling of comfort" - Khalid (Silence)


[ Harry's POV ]


"Why do you hate your curls so much?" Louis asks. We are both laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Louis wanted to come over to study. But we haven't even opened our notebooks.

"Because they are frizzy, and they always get in the way. Plus they are big and ugly." I confess. I didn't always hate them. Not until kids in elementary school started calling me things like "Electric shock." and "Poodle head." Very original I know.

"Well, I like them." Louis protests.

"Because you're weird."

"No, because I have taste." He replies. We sit in silence for a while until my mouth speaks before my brain even knows what we are doing.

"Youcantouchthemifyouwant." I spew out. Making Louis sit up and look at me.


"You can uh- touch them if you want. Or not- that was kinda weird to tell you. I just didn't know if that meant you wanted to. Oh never mind just forget-."

"I don't think you know how long I have wanted to hear you say that." He interrupts. A huge cheesy smile plastered on his face. He scoots closer and reaches his hand out, but he stops short.

"You sure?" He clarifies.

"Yes, I'm sure," I confirm.


[ No POV ]

Harry scoots closer, just wanting Louis to hurry up and touch them. But Louis is taking his sweet time. He inches his hand closer and closer until he is just a centimeter away. Louis has been waiting forever to do this. So he can't wait any longer. He practically attacks Harry's head with his fingertips. Making Harry suck in his breath and freeze up. They sit there for a few seconds, completely still.

Until Louis moves his hand and starts massaging Harry's scalp. Harry lets out his breath and starts to relax. Louis can't contain his smile. He runs his hands through Harry's hair and twists the curls around his fingers.

Harry feels intoxicated. He is all giggly and he just wants to sit up and give Louis sloppy kisses all over his face. Louis is his alcohol. He never wants to stop. He craves the feeling Louis gives him from just simple touches. But who is stopping him?

Himself, he is stopping himself.

Harry scoots and lays his head in Louis's lap. He closes his eyes and lets out a tiny sigh. Louis continues to massage his head. And even tries to braid tiny pieces of his hair. Failing horribly. Harry's eyes open and look at Louis. He rolls his eyes, but they seem to naturally center back on Louis.

Both boys stare at each other with only love in their eyes. Blissfully unaware of the love that is being returned right back to them.

"Can I touch your face?" Louis asks. Hoping he's not crossing the line. Panic flashes over Harry's eyes. But it diminishes and he just nods. Louis takes his hand and gently, Like he's touching the most expensive piece of glass in the world. Like he's inching up to a stray cat and he doesn't want to spook it. He takes his hand, and cups one of his cheeks. Laying his thumb on Harry's cheekbone. Both boys hold their breath.

Harry has his eyes squeezed shut and he is taking short, shaky breaths. Louis goes to pull his hand off, Harry doesn't seem very comfortable. And Louis knows he is probably just forcing himself to do it for him. Which is making Louis feel horrible.

So he goes to pull his hand off. But Harry realizes what he is doing, and puts his hand on top of Louis's so he can't move.

"Wait, just give me a second ok?" He says, his voice still shaky.

"Ok love."


Your first cliffhanger-ish thing. Or as i like to call it "I got writer's block really bad but also wanted to update so here we are."

PLEASE tell me if this is too cringey because I'll take it down and redo it.

Speaking of cringey. I was going through the first few chapters of this book to make sure everything is formatted the same and oh my god the beginning of this book is horrid. (Specifically the 20 questions chapter). I applaud you if you were able to get through that.

Love you

-T xxxx 

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