♡ ONE [Harry's POV] ♡

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Hi!! I am gonna do the first chapter in both of the boys POV. Because I feel like its an important chapter.


I roll over and check the time, 6:32.

Lay here for 3 more minutes.

After 3 more minutes I can finally get up. Now that it is divisible by 5.

I sit up.
Do it again.
I do it again.
Three times.

I go downstairs.

Skip the 3rd and 7th step.

I Make breakfast.

Eat exactly 15 bites.

I Get in the car.

Drive exactly 15 minutes.

I Walk into school.
Walk out.
Walk into school.
Wall out.
Walk into school.
Walk out.

Finally I walk in one last time and go to my locker.

Get out wet wipes and wipe the lock.

"Why" I accidentally say out loud making a few judgmental faces turn my way.

Do. it.

Fine, Who knows how many germs have been growing on the black circle of death (as I like to call it) over the weekend anyways.

I grab my books and quietly head to English. Trying to avoid touching anyone on the way there.

When I arrive I wait for someone to open the door and then sneak in with them so I don't have to touch the cesspool of diseases that is the door handle.

I make my way to my desk in the back of the room with various snickers and feet being throw out to trip me on the way there.

I pull out the chair.

Do it Again.

I sit down and wipe off the desk so I can place my books and such on it. I make my desk neat and perfectly balanced. As all things should be.

The bell rings just as the door burst open. I glance up. Thinking its probably just Andy being the obnoxious class clown that he is.

But when I look up it is not Andy. It's a boy I've never seen before.

"Ahhh yes Mr. Tomlinson. Class this is our new student, Louis" Mr Russet announces.


A name with 2 syllables and 5 letters. The perfect amount

Mr. Russet looks around the room and sighs

"Unfortunately Mr. Tomlinson I think the only seat is by Styles."

He looks around the room and locates the only empty desk and smiles.

"That's ok"

As he makes his way over to the desk Andy grabs his arm and says loud enough for me to hear.

"Yo man i'm sorry you have to sit by Styles." He says. He sends me a smirk and I just put my head down.

"Why?" Louis asks

Andy snickers "You'll see"

Louis sits down and Mr. Russet gets on with whatever Shakespeare bullshit he's normally spewing out of his fat mouth.

My pencil slips out of my hand and rolls across the floor under Louis desk.


"Hi." He says picking it up and handing it to me."I'm Louis, but you already knew that." He says with a smile holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Hi I'm harry" I say

I'm closer so I can see his features more clearly. He has prominent cheekbones and smooth skin with bright blue eyes. They seem to match the color of his shirt.

He's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen.

I'm such a trance staring at him that I put my hand on his and shake it.

Suddenly I realize what a huge mistake I have made. I look down. I can practically feel the germs crawling all over my infected hand.

"No, no no no no" I mutter to myself.

Louis face turns from a sweet smile to a confused expression looking back and forth between me and my hand

"Are you-"

Before he can finish his sentence my hand is shooting in the air.

"Yes Mr. Styles?"

"Can i go to the bathroom?"

Mr. Russet sigh "I guess."

I practically sprint out the bathroom and run down the hall. I burst into the bathroom and go to the sink. I turn it on and wash my hands.

Do it again.

I wash my hands 32 times before I am somewhat satisfied.

I walk back to my classroom. Taking my sweet time hoping the bell with ring before I get there. Unfortunately, I reach the door before it does. I use my sleeve and open the door. The class goes silent and stares.

I take my walk of shame back to my desk with a jumble of insults trailing behind me.

Louis is sitting there starting at his desk drawing circles with his finger.

I pull out my chair

Do it again.

When I finally sit down he is looking at me with sad eyes. He glances from me to my hand and then back at me. He opens his mouth to say something but then shuts it just as fast.

The first day I met this beautiful boy and he probably hates me.

I hope you like the book so far :).
The rest of the the book wouldn't be in such a list-like format like this one.

And yes, the excessive amount of periods are intentional

Also the words in italics are Harry's thoughts/the "voices in his head" that he will talk about later.


Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora