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HOW DID I FORGET LOUIS BIRTHDAY IS CHRISTMAS EVE. I'M SO STUPID- This is now an AU where Louis's birthday is sometime in the middle of September. I'm so sorry hahaha don't hate me.



[ Harry's POV ]

We got this
We got this
We got this

I repeat my mantra like 50 times before even opening my eyes. I grab my phone and I have a text from Louis

L: Good morning Harry! I'm inviting you to my birthday party @ 2 today. If you don't think it'll be too stressful. It's just gonna be you, me, Liam, Niall, and my mom.

H: Happy Birthday Louis!!! I'll be there ;)

L: Yay! See you soon

I jump out of bed and get ready to go to the store. Wait let me correct myself. Order online and then go pick it up. I don't really go into stores, it's stressful. My brain tells me to touch stuff and if I don't I get itchy. But my brain is also afraid of germs. And I don't know how many people have touched things in stores.

My brain isn't that smart.


I decide on a Card with a cat in a party hat for Louis. He's gonna hate it, which is exactly why I got it. Now all I have to do is wait for the workers to bring it out.

When the worker does come out it's a girl with shoulder-length blonde hair. She's pretty, but I don't swing that way. If you know what I mean. She comes over to the car and hands me the bag. I thank her and drive off.

When I get back to my room I open up the card and sign it. Then, I grab a piece of notebook paper and scribble something on it before shoving it all in an envelope and addressing it to Louis.

For the last few hours I have left before the party, I go running around the house. Stuffing our fluffiest blankets in the trunk of the car. I ask for an extended curfew. (Which is granted). Until it's finally time for his party. I get into the car and head there. I don't drive that much, so I almost get into like five fatal accidents. But with some sort of miracle, I end up in Louis's driveway in one piece and still alive.

I take a deep breath and pull the keys of the ignition. I grab the card and get out of the car. After going up to his front door I knock 3 times before he answers. His face immediately lights up.

"HARRY!" He says excitedly. Inviting me inside. "I'm so glad you could come. Liam and Niall are gonna be here in a few minutes. Here I'll show you the cake." He talks a mile a minute before he rushes into the kitchen. His cake is pretty nice, it is white with "Happy Birthday Louis" written in blue.

I smile sadly with the knowledge I won't be having any.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and Louis is gone before I can even look in his direction. I run after him to the door. Niall and Liam are walking into the house. Doing that weird handshake into a side hug thing guys do. Which I have obviously never experienced so I don't understand.

"I just came for the cake," Niall says, throwing his feet on the coffee table.

"Well, that's too bad because we are doing presents first. And feet off the table!" Louis shoos him off.

Niall huffs and begrudgingly takes his feet off the table. He and Liam set their gifts on the table. I feel kinda bad after just setting my puny card right there.


[ Louis's POV ]

"Ok let's see who should open first," I say, rubbing my hand together. We are all sitting on the floor of my living room. I end up choosing Niall's first. It's a gift card to Nando's. He's gonna make me bring him with me. In sure of it.

Liam gives me the new fallout boy game.

I open up Harry's card and the scrap piece of notebook paper falls out.

"Come to my house at 10 tonight for your gift. Wear something comfy. Don't be late :)"

I can feel my heart jump to my throat. I look up and smile the biggest smile I can muster at Harry. He shoves the curls out of his face and smiles back. Liam and Niall are too busy arguing about god know what to even pay attention.

"Can we have cake now?" Niall interrupts.

"Yes Niall, we can have cake now." I give in.


[ Harry's POV ]

As Louis's mom gets his cake back out of the fridge, I can feel my stomach start churning. I begin thinking of all the ways I can deny a piece. I don't even notice when Louis gets up and whispers something in his mom's ear. She just nods and gets out a knife. And when she brings out the cake.

There is a slice missing.

Louis is sitting next to me and Niall and Liam are across the table. We all start singing happy birthday. And after we finish singing Louis blows out all the candles, we clap.

"Can you move your seat over?" Liam asks Niall.

'No." He replies nonchalantly.

"NIALL I SWEAR-" They start arguing again. Louis turns to me and asks if I want a piece of cake. I shake my head no.

"It's because of the germs isn't it." He whispers. I nod, I don't think I need to explain why. I mean he should just lick every single slice. He already projected his spit everywhere. He just nods and gets up. When he comes back he is holding a paper plate with a piece of cake on it.

"I thought you were gonna feel that way, so I cut this one out before I blew out the candles." He says sweetly. Setting it in front of me. He sits down and cuts himself a piece.

"Do you need a room?" Louis says sarcastically. Referring to Niall, who is currently viciously devouring his 5th slice of cake. Niall just shoots him a glare in response.

"So are we going to the club tonight? I mean you are finally 18. So we can go-" He looks around before whispering. "Legally."

Louis's eyes widen and he looks around the table. I just look down at my lap. I should have known Louis would make plans for his 18th birthday. I should have just gotten Louis a Target gift card or something. Now I have to sit here while he rejects me.

"Actually, I have other plans," Louis says. Making me snap my head up, Louis is shooting me a cheeky grin.

"Other plans- with who?" Niall questions.

"Is that any of your business?" Louis snaps at him. I just sit there stunned.

Was I just the first choice?


I was gonna make this one chapter but then I thought I would split it up. Mostly because I don't have the other half done.

Love you

-T xxx 

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