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[ Harry's POV ]

"LOUIS?" I yell, along with a few other people. He lays there, just a tiny form on the huge field. Completely still.

"Come on Louis get up!" His coach yells from the sidelines. The entire crowd is hushed, waiting to see his next move. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. One of the other players runs over to him. The player crouches down next to him and then shoots back up.

"HE'S OUT." He says, frantically waving his arms above his head. Making my stomach drop down to my feet. There are whistles and shouting. The coach is running over, he's calling the school medic. Phoebe starts crying and climbs into Liam's lap. I'm just sitting in shock. Until I feel Daisy pull on my sleeve.

"Is Lou-Lou ok?" She asks quietly, her voice filled with concern. Nobody in the stands is going out to see if he is ok.

So I decide I will.

I jump up. "LOUIS." I continue to shout, I'm almost to the entrance gate. When 2 strong hands grab my arms and stop me.

"And where do you think you're going?" One of them asks when they spin me around so I can see them. I recognize the boys. They are some of Andy's friends, they were pretty upset when they didn't make the football team.

"I can answer that Skipper. He's going to help his little boyfriend." They let out these horrible, evil laughs.

"LET ME GO!" I yell, wiggling around in their grasp. There are so many people touching me. But at the moment I don't care. I only care about getting to Louis and that's it.

"No can do, sorry kid." Skipper says.

"Let him go." A deep voice says from behind us. Making the boys spin me around. And there he is, standing right there. The boy who I thought hated me is, defending me? 


[ Mystery POV ]

I watch from the back row of the bleachers. Louis gets tackled and I can't help but gasp. Suddenly Harry jumps up, screaming Louis's name over and over. The girls are sobbing in Liam and Niall's lap. Every time Harry shouts, his voice gets louder and filled with more worry. It's making me rethink everything. Clearly, Harry cares about Louis so much. And I'm sure Louis feels the same way, I KNOW he feels the same way. He fucking told me. But I just had to be a jealous prick and ruin their night. Guess I kinda deserved the black eye.

Harry goes sprinting for the hole in the fence. But two other senior boys hold him back. He squirms around and screams Louis's name like in a horror movie.

"Nobody is allowed to touch him ok?" I remember what Louis told us the day before we met Harry. A light bulb goes off in my head and I jump up. I climb down the bleachers and make a Bee-line for the boys.

I have to make things right. Even if Harry and Louis won't forgive me, I need to just let them know I'm sorry for everything. And this may be my only chance to show it.

(A/N: Take a wild guess who it is.) 


[ Harry's POV ] 

"Let him go." A deep voice says from behind us. Making the boys spin me around. And there he is, standing right there. The boy who I thought hated me is, defending me? 

Zayn Malik.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" The one unnamed boy says with a sneer. Zayn's eyes flash for a second and he grabs the collar of the boy. Shoving him up against the fence. He loses his grip on me and only one of my arms is being squeezed to death.

"I'm gonna take you and smash you so hard into this fence you will never see the light of day again." He spits in his face. The boy's eyes go wide. "Are we clear?" He nods quickly. Zayn takes his hand off the boy's collar and he goes sliding down the fence. Holding this throat and gasping for air.

"Let him go, skipper." The boy squeaks out.


"He said to let him go, mate." Zayn says, leaning up against the fence with his arms crossed. Skipper angrily shoves me off and I go running to the entrance before I can even thank Zayn. I make a mental note to thank him and tell Louis about it.

"Woah kid get off the field." A coach yells at me once I set one foot on the field.

"I'm uh- Louis emergency contact." I lie, at least I think it's a lie. He squints at me. But just shakes his head and sighs.

"Fine, just don't get in the way." I thank him and go sprinting to the middle of the field. Getting an echo of gasps from the crowd. Damn this is a big field. The players are huddled around him and I have to push through them all to get to the middle of the circle. Where Louis is laying, with the medic on his left. I kneel down at his right.

"Is he ok?" 

"He's unresponsive." He says, making my stomach drop for a second time tonight. "Probably a concussion. Thankfully no obvious signs of code R402 yet." I can feel tears prickling in my eyes. But I wipe them away. Probably wiping black face paint all over my face too.

"What is a code R402?"

"Coma." He says a little too calmly for the situation.

"But you said he doesn't have one right?" I say quickly.

"As of right now he does not seem to be in a coma state, no. Hard to tell with minimal equipment though. Most likely, the blunt force knocked him out and he'll have a concession when he wakes up. Memory loss is uncommon with an injury like this but not at all impossible." I nod and look towards the bleachers. Niall and Liam are gone, probably went out to the car with the girls so they couldn't see this.

"OUT OF THE WAY!!" Someone shouts from the outside of the circle. The players make a pathway and the coach walks through. Carrying a water bottle and washcloth. "ALL PLAYERS OFF THE FIELD." The players file out but I stay put by Louis. "Come on you too." The coach says, tapping my shoulder. Making me flinch. I don't even wanna think about the shower I'm gonna have tonight.

"He can stay." The medic pipes up. I look over and he smiles at me. The coach just shrugs and leads the players to the locker room.

"Thank you."

"No problem, I had a high school sweetheart once too."

"Oh- we aren't- "

"No need to explain." He says with a wave of his hand. He grabs the water that the coach left. He unscrews the lid and dumps it on Louis's face. Making Louis jolt up, look very terrified and confused.

"Where am I? Who are you?" He panics.

"Mr. Tomlinson please calm down. You got knocked out playing football. Do you remember who you are? This boy here says he knows you. Do you remember who he is?"

Somehow - even though we are in a huge field- I feel like I'm suffocating. As we sit and wait for Louis's answer.



I had to bring Zayn back bc I missed him 

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora