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"The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn't one." - Margaret Atwood.

"When you really matter to someone...that person will always make time for you. No excuses...no lies, and no broken promises." -Unkown.



Always you - Louis Tomlinson

Legends - Kelsea Ballerini


[ Louis's POV ]


“Harry.” I say while everyone is getting seated in English. He is wearing a long-sleeved hoodie and silently writing in a tiny brown journal I’ve never seen. It has something written on it but I can’t quite make out what it says. He doesn’t seem to hear me. “Harry.” His head snaps over and he has dark circles, his skin is more pale than usual. Less glowly and his eyes are less bright. Or maybe it's all my imagination. 

“Sorry I was busy last night. But I saw you called. Was it something important?” He shakes his head, and I watch him tug on one of his hoodie sleeves. He seemed to be done with the conversation and swivels back forward. I nod unsurely and sit there, just thinking. 


[ Harry's POV ]

At the end of the day, after walking through the halls 


And eating lunch 


I walk out of school so I can walk home.


I have never felt like I'm in a sad rom-com more in my life. I should replace Julia Roberts at this rate. I’m walking, crunching through all the leaves. A gush of sharp wind makes my hair fly everywhere and I wrap my arms around myself. I’m still probably 10 minutes from my house, assuming I complete every square perfectly. 

I’m minding my own business. Until I hear the sound of a car behind me. But the car doesn’t just fly by like the rest. I can hear it creeping along behind me. I speed up a little and so does the car. I’m about to book it and run for my life, until someone calls out. 

“Harry?” I hear someone shout from behind me in a thick Irish accent. I whip around and Niall is hanging out the driver window. “Come over here, what are you doing walking in the cold?” I walk over to the side of the car and Niall looks down at me.

“I’m just walking home.”

“Why are you walking? I thought you got a ride with Louis.” 

“There’s no room for me anymore.” I say simply. 

“What are you saying Harry- here get in the car.” Niall orders, pointing to the passenger side. I climb in his car. 

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