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[ Louis's POV ]

“Where are you going?” Liam asks as I sprint through the house.

“I’m going to apologize.” I say while slipping on my shoes.

“For what?” Niall puzzles. 

“For your stupid bet.” 

"Your the one who said you wouldn't fuck him." Liam grumbles while sorting the money.


I drive around the neighborhood. Looking for any sign of him. Just my luck he has been kidnapped or something. I’ve just about lost all hope until I see him sitting on the curb, playing with pieces of grass. I pull up right next to him and roll down the window. 

“Get in the car Harry.”

“My mom is coming to pick me up.” But he starts cracking his knuckles, something he does when he’s lying.

“I know she’s not, now please get in the car.” He looks surprised. But huffs and walks to the passenger side. Sliding in and buckling up. We sit in awkward silence. The elephant in the room taking up all the space. Until I decide to address it and clear my throat. 

“I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” he states simply. 

“Yes, I do.”

“You shouldn’t apologize for the truth.”

“Come on Hary, you know I wasn’t being truthful.”

“What are you saying?”

“When- if the time were to ever come. I Wouldn't be opposed; well I mean it isn’t gonna come because we are just friends. But if we weren’t- I mean. I didn’t know if YOU were to want to ever do that. Especially with me because you know-” I painfully stumble through my sentence. Not even sure what I’m trying to say anymore. Harry looks over and nods. 

“Well, I’m never gonna get to experience that, ever, with anyone. So you don't have to worry.” He says with a sarcastic smile as we pull up to his house. “Goodbye, Louis.”

“Bye Harry.” I say as he shuts the door and walks up to his driveway. Once he’s inside I bang my head on the steering wheel and accidentally honk the horn. 


Double update because I'm nice like that. And I felt bad for so many cliffhangers.

I still can't get over golden

Love you

- T xxxx

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