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[ Harry's POV ]

I have decided I want Louis to come to my house. Which is a big step for me. Probably not for most people. But for me, I mean it's not as scary as going to Louis's. But I can't help but worry.

What if he touches everything
What if he doesn't skip the 3rd and 7th step.
What if he sits in our spot on the couch.
What if he leaves the door unlocked.
What if he doesn't like the house.
What if he doesn't like us

There are so many things that could go wrong. But I try to push those thoughts down and ignore them while I dust the shelves for the 6th time today. It just hasn't felt right the first 5. Once I finally finish cleaning the hose until it's how I want it. I get out my phone to text Louis. I already asked my mom and she was again, more than happy.

H: Hi Louis

L: Hey :)

H: Do you wanna come over?

L: Me? Come to your house?

H: Yeah, if you don't want to that's fine too

L: Be there in 5 minutes.

[ Louis's POV ]

When I get to Harry's house I knock 3 times before stepping back and waiting for him to open the door. When he does, he's wearing gray sweatpants and a thin white T-shirt. Damn, he looks good. Like really good.

"Wanna come inside?" he asks. I walk inside, his house is cute and cozy. He has really soft carpet and white walls. The walls have tons of pictures on them. Most of them are Harry and I'm assuming Gemma. But there is one picture. It has Harry, Gemma and his mom. And then a man is in the background. He towers over the rest of them and his big hands are gripping Harry's shoulder. I debate or not I should ask. But I decided not to.

"We can go upstairs if you want to." Harry says after a while of standing awkwardly. He walks in front of me and walks towards the stairs. He walks up a few before stopping at the 3rd.

As I watch Harry skip the 3rd and 7th step I decide I should do the same. And the smile on Harry's face proves I made the right decision.

We get to Harry's room. And after he walks through the doorway 3 times. (Which I know he hates but I think it's adorable). I get to see what his room looks like. He has a very minimalistic room which has a lot of white and blue. He has a lot of books, Like a lot. He also has exactly 15 glass dolphins sitting on a shelf above his bed.

"So blue is your favorite color."


"What shade of blue? I ask him. He turns around and looks at me.

"I really like dark blue, Kinda like-uh your eyes today." He says, looking me directly in the eyes. But then he looks down and starts picking at his nails. But I can't stop staring at him. His long soft eyelashes cover his eyes while they look down. And his curls fall in his face. Before he mutters something and shoves them out of the way. I know he hates them, he's told me before. But I love them. And I just wanna touch them. But I still can't.

"Today?" I ask him, kinda confused,

"Yeah, your eyes change color everyday. Also depending on what you're wearing. Like last week they were dark blue because you were wearing dark blue. Monday they were light blue. Tuesday they were teal. Wednesday they were like a turquoise. Thursday they were ocean blue. Friday they were almost so blue they were black. And today they are dark blue again." He rambles on. He looks at me and blushes.

His eyes look past me and he smiles. I follow his line of vision and my eyes land on a white fluffy cat coming around the corner of his doorway.

"Come here Kiwi." He coos. I just back away until I hit a wall. "Are you a cat hater Louis?"

"No- I mean I don't hate them. But they always hate me. And they are kinda scary."

"Oh come one, Kiwi is nice." He says while picking her up. "Sit on the floor."

I do as he says and sit criss cross on the floor. He comes closer and sets the cat in my lap. I squeeze my eyes shut and tense up. Bracing to be attacked.

"Relax." He says barely above a whisper. I try to relax, and kiwi walks all over my legs.

"Oh, ok maybe this cat can be the expectation." I say, but almost as if I'm jinxing it. Kiwi starts to claw and scratch my pants.

"What is it doing?" I say, raising my voice and starting to freak out.

"Oh calm down, she's kneading." He says in a too calm voice for the situation I'd say. "It means she likes you and she's gonna lay down."

Soon enough the cat lay down right in my lap. I have to admit she looks pretty cute. I mean maybe this cat isn't so bad. But if someone asks, I'm denying it.

"What now?"

"Nothing, she's sleeping. You're on your own." He says, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Harry wait, you can't leave me here. Come back!" I say desperately.

"Pick her up and bring her out here, we can go watch t.v." He orders. I grab the cat and we go downstairs. I skip the 3rd and 7th step again. And once we get to the living room I sit down in the big brown chair in the corner of the room. Causing Harry to widen his eyes and start wringing his hands together.

"Are you ok H?" I say, petting kiwi. Who managed to stay asleep for the whole relocation.

"Uh yeah I'll be fine." He claims, violently shaking his head yes. He mutters something while he sits on the couch across from the t.v. I watch him move around on the cushion for about 5 minutes before he apparently gets comfortable.

"What do you wanna watch?" He says, his voice quivers in the middle. I turn my head in his direction. And he is destroying his hands. There are tiny cuts and scratches on them.

"Harry what's wrong? You can tell me."

"I- that's my chair." He says, sounding defeated

"Well why didn't you say anything." I ask.

"I thought I could just power through the voices." He looks at his hands and back at me. "Clearly it didn't work that well."

I jump out of the chair and motion towards it. "Sit down Harry." He gets up and walks over to the chair with his shoulders drooped and staring at the floor. I sit down on the couch with the cat and we watch 'The big bang theory' until my 10 'o' clock curfew.


I decided to do a double update in honor of the 28th.

Fun fact: My cat is in fact named Kiwi. And yes, it is after the song by Mr. harry himself.

I hope you liked this chapter. I have mixed feelings about it.

Love you

-T xxx

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