♡ FIVE ♡

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[Harry's POV]


I roll over, expecting to have to turn off my alarm. But am pleasantly surprised when it shows Louis is calling instead.

"Hello?" I say when I answer.

"Good Morning Harry."

"Goodmorning Louis." I say with a yawn. "Why are you calling me?"

"Well i wanted to hear your morning voice. Which by the way, is very sexy. AND I wanted to ask you if uh, maybe I could come pick you up and drive you to school. It's ok if you say no. It was just kinda a dumb random idea and- ."



"Yes, you can drive me to school."

"Are you sure? It's not gonna be too much?"

"No Louis, i'll be fine."

"Ok, wow um i'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Make it 15."

"Ok harry."

"Ok Louis."


"Buh - bye."


"Bye mom!" I say while walking out the door.

"Leaving kinda early today?"

"Uh, yeah someone is driving me to school."

"Really?" She questions, raising an eyebrow. "And who is this mysterious someone?"

"His name is Louis." I say with a smile. I love the way his perfect name just rolls off my tongue.


"Is it a good day to hug you?" My mom asks, following me outside. Nobody except my mom ever touches me. And even then I have bad days where no one can touch me.

"Yeah," I say walking towards her.


[Louis's POV]

As I watch Harry go in for a hug with his mom I feel a ping of jealousy. As she wraps her arms around him and he lays his head on her shoulder. I shouldn't be jealous of Harry's own mother. But I am, I'm jealous of how she can just touch and hold him. I'm jealous of the way she knows how soft his hair is and what he smells like. I wonder if his mom takes it for granted. Probably not, at least I hope not. I hope she knows how lucky she is. How I would die to be able to even touch harry.

Finally Harry pulls away from his mom and walks to the car. He has a big cheeky grin on his face and I just roll my eyes. When he finally gets to the car he just stands there and stares at me. We sit there for a few seconds until he points to the door handle. I widen my eyes and reach over to open the door. He smiles and gets in the car.


[Harry's POV]

"Sorry, i didn't wanna touch the door handle," I say as I get into Louis's car.

"Don't worry about it."

I am surprised with how clean his car. I was expecting half drank water bottles and gum wrappers everywhere if I'm being completely honest. As if he's reading my mind he says.

"I spent like 3 hours cleaning out the car yesterday"

"Oh you didn't have to do that," I say, feeling kinda guilty now. Louis did that all for me when I could have just driven myself.

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