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“Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it’s broken. But you will always see the cracks. And eventually the cracks will make the mirror too weak and it will shatter again.” - Unknown 

“It’s not the pain that hurts. It’s who it came from.” - Drishti Bablani 



Confession - Florida Georgia Line 

Walls - Louis Tomlinson 


[ Louis’s POV ] 

Li: Anything you wanna tell us?
N: Think long and hard louis 
L: No?? 
Li: Cut the bullshit. You have a girlfriend and didn’t bloody tell us? 
N: What the hell man? 
L: Guys I can explain 
N: Save it 
Li: We already know, we just don’t know why you went through with it. 

I think of everyone who knows I have a girlfriend. Which is a lot, but there is only one person who also knows Liam and NIall. 

Fucking Harry.

Harry went around opening his big mouth, spilling secrets. I didn't want Liam and Niall to know. At least not yet. Now they know and I think they are pretty pissed. And I’M pretty pissed at Harry. 

Before I can comprehend my actions I'm marching through the hallway and right up to Harry. Shoving him into a locker. The fear in his eyes and his stutter coming out is what makes me back off and realize what I'm doing. But not before I tell him to walk home. The second the words come out of my mouth I regret them. But I can’t just go back and pretend like it didn’t happen. So I storm off, acting all tough, but I really just go and cry in my car. 

I’m not even crying because of the whole girlfriend situation. I’m crying because of the look in Harry’s eyes. The look of pure fear, and confusion. I’m crying because when I was storming off I looked back and Harry was just standing there. Completely zoned out, rubbing his chest. I pray to god I didn’t leave any marks on him. 


At the end of the day, as me and Kat are driving home. We pass Harry walking on the sidewalk. Kat, thankfully, doesn’t see him. I don’t think I can handle her snarky comments anymore. And Harry doesn’t see us. But we don’t drive by fast enough, before I see his shoulders droop and he walks back a few squares and tries again. 

I’ve managed to royally screw this up haven’t I?


[ Harry’s POV ] 

Doing math homework is a lot less fun when you are doing it alone, in the dark, and the cold, with a cold.

I try to find our cold medicine, but I can’t find it anywhere so I just flop down on the couch and try to sleep it off. But my sleep is not restful. It’s filled with horrible nightmares. The ones that you wake up gasping for air and wondering how your brain can even come up with that. 

The worst one is where Louis is pushing me into the locker again. But his eyes aren’t his eyes, they aren’t blue. They are a bright vicious green. 

They are my father’s.


This is a lil filler to get us to the next chapter. Hopefully i'll post it tonight :) 

Love you 

-T xxxx 

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