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Sh'boom by the chords


* Four-day time jump *

[ Harry's POV ]

I've never spent the night at Louis's house before, or anyone else's for that matter. But it can't be that different. It's still sleeping in a bed, just not your own. So I'm not worried about it. Louis is super energetic all day, barely being able to sit still at lunch. When we finally drive home I'm 99% he speeds. I've never thought I was that entertaining of a person, but he seems super excited.

"The girls will be home soon but I've told them to leave us alone." He says as he tosses his bag by the door. I neatly hang mine and on the coat hook and follow him. He ruffles through the kitchen drawers and pulls out two pre-packaged peanut butter sandwiches.

"Want a sandwich?" He asks, closing the fridge. I walk over and take mine out of his hand. Then follow him to the living room and sit next to him on the couch. "Can you hand me the remote?" I nod and grab the remote next to me, holding it out to him. He looks down to grab it but stops short, staring at my hands. I crinkle my eyebrows and look down to see what's caught his attention.

My fingers are wrapped around the remote, my painted nails out on display

I stuck to my promise

I don't break promises

"Are your nails painted?" He takes the remote and sets it on the couch and grabs my hand. Laying it on his right palm and running his left fingers over my coated nails.

"Yeah, I like to do it sometimes," I say shortly, waiting anxiously for his response. He looks up at me with...excited eyes almost.

"Can you do mine?" He asks quickly.

'What?" I ask with a nervous laugh.

"Can you paint my nails for me?"

"So...you like them?" I ask cautiously.

"Of course silly, now come on you have work to do." He pulls me along and down the hall until we reach the tiny closet. He opens it up and pulls out a white tub on the top shelf, filled to the brim with nail polishes.

"These are my mom's but she doesn't need to know." He glances at my hands and then pulls out a blue bottle and a black one. "Can you do mine the opposite of yours? So we match." I nod and take the bottles. We walk back to the couch and sit down.

"Here gimme your hands," I tell him and he sticks them out. I take his left one first and open the bottles up. I start to paint and he giggles to himself. I smile and look up at him.

"Sorry, it felt weird." He apologies sheepishly, I just continue to smile and paint them, alternating between the two colors. We sit in silence except for the occasional little chuckle from Louis.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Louis asks while I finish his right hand. I shrug and screw the cap back on the polish. He pulls his hands away and admires them eagerly. A big, deeply genuine smile spreads across his face. "Thank you, Harry, thank you so much I love them." He leans over and hugs me around the neck. I hug him back and fall on top of him as he leans back.

"Don't touch my hair," I say firmly as I feel his arm move.

"Why." He whines.

"I don't want nail polish in my hair." I complain, "It takes ages to get out."

"How do you know that Harry?"

"I'm not the cleanest fork in the drawer."

"I don't think that's the saying."

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