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"I miss the feeling you used to give me." - Unknown

"Trust me, you have to fight. When people are wrong, you've got to let them know it." - Orlando Cepeda



Habit - Louis Tomlinson

July - Noah cyrus


[ Harry's POV ]

 I’m sitting in the kitchen eating lunch when I hear a car pull up outside. I immediately stand up and turn off the lights, so it looks like no one is home. 

“Harry.” Someone shouts from outside the door. 


I tiptoe over to the door and look through the peephole. 

It is Louis.

He pounds on the door and I flinch back. 

“Harry I don’t know if you can hear me- or if you're even home.” He says, after he gives up on knocking. “I know I really messed up this time Harry, I know that.” There is crunching and ruffling and then a sliding sound down the door. Like he is sitting with his back against it. 

Yeah, you did 

“I mean I always said that I'd mess up eventually. So what did you expect from me? It shouldn’t be a surprise anymore. I know you gave me another chance, and I blew that one too.” I sit down and lean my back against the door.

(A/N: The GOD AWFUL picture at the top is supposed to show what they look like right now. I did that in like 10 minutes and I don’t know how to work photoshop in general. So please don’t hurt my feelings. I swear I can do better than that). 

“I mean I can't be expected to always say the right thing, I never said I was a saint." 

You aren't a saint

You act like a devil

But you look like an angel 

"And I know I crossed like 50 different lines this time. And I don’t expect you to ever look me in the eyes again. I’m just...missing you" 

He misses me 

Maybe I should open the door, I can accept his apology and then we can be friends again. And everything will go back to normal- 

"This is so stupid why I am I talking to a door." He interrupts my thoughts. 



Please don't leave 

I can hear him get up. His footsteps fade away, then a car door slams and the car starts. 

I get up and open the door just as he turns the corner. He doesn’t see me. Which I guess is good. I’m not ready to face him yet.

But maybe, deep down I wish he would have seen me and turned around. I wonder what would have happened if he did. 

I guess we will never know how that ending goes. Because in the end, the smallest gesture or change. Can affect how everything ends up. 

Besides, I'm not made for happy endings anyways. 


Spot the Louis Tomlinson and Shawn Mendes lyrics.

Louis is starting to realize how badly he messed up. Only a few more sad chapters I promise.

Love you

- T xxxx

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