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“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” —Jonathan Huie.


* 5-day time jump * 

[ Harry’s POV ] 


New Year's eve.

I’m going over to Louis’s for a small party. Nothing major. New years are exciting, they mean new beginnings and things to accomplish. They mean you can leave everything bad about the past 365 days of your life in the past. But I don't necessarily want this year to be over, it has been the best year of my life. I don’t want all that to end. I want it to go on forever. 

But, maybe this year will be even better than the last. 

L: You can come over early since you're my favorite. The rest of the group will be over around 8

H: I’ll be over soon! 

I smile and tuck my phone into my back pocket. I brush my hair so it doesn’t look so much like it is inhabited by a rabid squirrel and grab my keys off the nightstand. I say bye to my mom, which I kinda feel bad leaving her all alone on new year’s eve but she insists she’ll be fine. The drive to Louis isn’t that bad, I almost run over a squirrel and cause a 5 car accident. So pretty much a casual Thursday for me. I also mentally scold myself for not making cookies. That’s kinda my staple now. 

I saunter up Louis’s step and knock on the door. The normal cheerful Louis answers the door and leads me inside. 

“Hi, Harry!” Daisy runs up and I crouch down to hug her. 

“Hi, Daisy!” I pat her on the head. 

“My family is gonna be going out soon.” He whispers in my ear. I nod and walk into the kitchen. The rest of the family greets me and says bye at the same time. They leave quickly and then the house is empty with just me and Louis. I help him set out a few plates of food, including chips, cookies, and nachos. 

“LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” Someone shouts as the door bangs open and hits the wall. The entire house is suddenly filled with noise as all the rest of the guests walk in and fill the space. Niall holds up an 8 pack carton of beer and Louis just shakes his head. 

“How did you get those Niall?” Louis asks, clearly referring to the fact that we are all underage to buy alcohol. 

“You don’t wanna know,” Niall says with a smirk. 

“I'll take your word for it,” Louis says, ripping the alcohol out of his hands and placing it on the countertop. Niall smiles at me and pats me on the back. But quickly retracts his hand and bites his teeth together. 

“Ope- sorry ‘bout that,” I tell him it's no big deal and he raises an eyebrow. 

“It doesn’t bother me as much anymore. So it’s okay every once in a while.” He smiles even bigger and nods impressed. Louis also smiles at me and then walks away to set out more food. I say hi to everyone else in the house and make small talk with Ashleigh. Eventually, I miss Louis too much and walk over to talk to him. 

“If we can keep the alcohol away from Niall for as long as possible that would be great-” Louis starts, a crack and sizzle interrupt him. We both whip around. To see Niall shotgunning a can of beer. Louis’s jaw drops open as Niall tips his head back all the way, chugs it, and then pulls the aluminum away from his lips. He crushes the bottle in his hand and burps loudly. 

“Gotta start the night off strong. Am I right boys?” He shouts at us, Louis sighs and I just smile and nod in encouragement. 

“You're gonna end the night laying in the street,” Louis shouts back. Niall walks over and pats him on the back. 

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