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"If someone is stuck in your head, then maybe they're supposed to be there." - Daniella Garcia

People always say
"Why regret soemthing you once wanted?"
If I had known
What I know now
I would have never wanted it
In the first place  - R.H



From the dining table - Harry Styles.

Stone cold - Demi Livato


[ Louis POV ]

In my defense, I didn't realize Harry was gonna get so sick in the back. I thought just this once he would be fine. But as I watch him run to his house. And frantically try to unlock the door I realize, he probably isn’t. 

I unbuckle my seat to run after him. But Kat puts her hand over mine and re-buckles my seat belt. 

“He’ll be fine.” She says with a wave of her hand. “Let’s go to your house.” I would argue but I know I can’t so I just nod and start the car. Looking back as we drive away and wondering if this was the right choice for anyone. 

“Ok, so I have four sisters.” I tell her as we are a few minutes away from my house. “And 2 of them are gonna be home because they had the day off from school.”

“Mhmm.” She hums, scrolling through her phone. 

"I have 4 very obnoxious sisters." I look over and Harry is smiling to himself.

"What about you?" I ask him. 

"I have an older sister. She's in her junior year of college." He says, smiling even bigger at the thought of her.

"Lucky, I wish my sisters would just get out of the house." I say and we laugh together. 


“I’m home!” My voice echoes through the house. “And I brought a friend!” 

“HARRYYYY.” Daisy runs around the corner yelling. But she stops dead in her tracks when she doesn’t see Harry. Phoebe comes around the corner and does the same thing. “That’s...not Harry.” 

“No, this is Kat.” Kat waves and crouches down in front of the girls. They back away and Daisy makes a face. 

“Where is Harry?” Daisy asks. 

“He is-”

“You guys have a weird obsession with this guy don’t you?” Kat interrupts. Phoebe scrunches up her face and runs away. She comes back, grabs Daisy, and runs away again. 

“They are just shy.” I assure her.

"Who is your friend?" Daisy asks, looking over at Harry.

"This is Harry." I tell her. 

"Harry!" She says before running over, with no hesitation, to hug Harry.


We are sitting and watching some random show Kat wanted to watch. When my phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s Liam calling, I sigh and excuse myself


“Don’t what me. Where are you?” He demands to know.

“I’m at my house….”

“Well, you're supposed to be at mine.”

“I know, but I’m busy tonight.” 

“Busy with what?!”

“Is that any of your business?” I ask quickly and hang up on him.

"Actually, I have other plans," I tell Niall. I can feel Harry look up and I shoot him a cheeky grin. 

"Other plans- with who?" Niall questions. 

"Is that any of your business?" I snap at him. Harry looks like he’s just won the lottery. And Niall goes back to angrily eating his cake.

I groan and rub my temples. I just want him out of my head. 


[ Harry's POV ]

I’m laying in bed staring at the ceiling. My stomach has calmed down and now I just have a killer headache. I hear the phone ring and groan. Flopping over and grabbing it. It’s Liam, I slide his number and answer it. 


“Hi Harry, is Louis with you?”

“No.” I say sadly. “He’s not.” I hear Liam lean away from the phone and say something. 

“Do you know who he is with?”

“His girlfriend.” I say with a sigh.

“HIS WHAT?” Liam shouts on the other side. I hold the phone away from my ear. He leans away and loudly shouts. ‘The fucker got a girlfriend’. Then the line goes dead.


I'll be doing another update tonight so look out for that!

Love you

- T xxxx

Again. Again. Again. 《 l.s》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang