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Ok I'm gonna start putting what day of the week it is (in the story). Bc I feel like it can get confusing since I'm skipping a few days every week.



[ Harry's POV ]

"Our first game of the season is tonight." Louis says while picking at his lunch.

"That's nice." I say and go back to reading. But when I look up, Louis is still staring at me.

"Are you coming." He asks.

"I'm gonna try." I say with a fake smile. He seems satisfied with my answer and goes back to his homework. And I wasn't lying, I am gonna try. I'm gonna try as hard as I can. Because I wanna be there.

[ Louis's POV ]

I feel really giddy and excited in the locker room. It's the first game of the season, and Harry is gonna be out in the stands.

"Alright team, first game of the season. Fight hard and have fun." Coach says right before we step on the field. We all put our hands in the middle and cheer.

"Ladies and gentleman, it's a wonderful night to play ball." The announcer says from the booth up top.

And as I look around the crowded bleachers packed with students and parents. I can feel my shoulder drop as I realize.

Harry didn't come.

[ Harry's POV ]

I walk through my doorway 25 times before I give up and walk back inside the house with teary eyes. I wanted to go to Louis's game, especially since it was the first one. I wanted to be there cheering, and wear his jersey. I just want to feel normal. I want to know what it's like to just go to your best friends football game. But instead I am sitting on my couch crying . Because my brain won't even let me walk past my driveway.

Have you ever had those days where you just feel off? Where you just feel tired or like something isn't right.  Or when you leave the house and feel like you forgot something but you don't know what. When you hear a song and can't think of the name?

Ok, take that feeling. And multiply it by 100. That's how it feels. And it gets even worse when I try to go against the voices. Or when I'm nervous. Almost as if they are punishing me. In this case, it's both. I'm trying to go against them AND I'm nervous about going to a game. It's making my head throb. Which makes sense, my brain is practically killing itself.

I stand up from the couch but I'm immediately dizzy. The whole world feels fuzzy, like I'm seeing it through heavy fog. I grab my head and groan, trying to stumble up the stairs. (still skipping the 3rd and 7th). I almost fall down the stairs 3 times before I finally get to my room. I go ruffling around my drawers until I find my stash of sticky notes.

I get out all my red ones and bumble over to my door. I make a sad face out of my red sticky notes. A thing we used to do when I was little and having a "bad brain day." As we called it when I was a kid.

I close my door and turn off all my lights. I fall down in my bed and groan some more. My head still hurts so bad. But I don't know if we have any pain medicine. Besides, my vision is too blurry and I'll probably mess up the dosage. So I just lay there and suffer until I fall asleep.

[ Louis's POV ]

I decide to go to Harry's house after my game. Well, after I went home and showered and changed clothes. I felt like Harry wouldn't want me to be all sweaty in his house. I knock on the door 3 times and His mom answers.

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