986 23 146


Rewrite the stars - Zac Efron and Zendya

Take yours - Matthew Mole


[ Harry's POV ]



I'm being held back from Louis. But this time I'm watching him get wheeled into an ambulance. But I'm being pulled away from him. When I turn around and face my attackers. It's me, they are all me. I'm holding myself back from Louis. And this time there isn't a Zayn to save me. They circle me and get closer and closer until I'm being crushed down into the ground.

I wake up in a cold sweat gasping for air. Until I sit up and realize that I am in my room. The clock reads 1:30 in the morning. I add "Nightmares are back." to my running list. I can confidently say that they were not missed.

I groan and flop back down on my bed. I know I won't be able to fall asleep now that I've woken up. It's another one of my curses. I lay and scroll through Instagram for a while. I go look at Louis's page. He posted the picture of me with the football stripes on my face. Even though I told him not to. He captioned it "Game face: On." And I have to roll my eyes. I scroll down and look at the comments.

This ain't it
You're joking, right?
Careful he might be contagious HAHA
Still waiting for the sike
Guys, I don't think he's joking

I sigh and set my phone down on the nightstand. I pull the covers up to my chin and lay in bed silently for the next few hours. I do eventually fall back asleep. Once I wake up I decide I'm gonna get ready and go check on Louis. I put on a shirt. But throw on a hoodie on top to hide my arms and a pair of sweatpants. I pull out my phone and text Louis.

H: I demand you come pick me up.
L: Making the concussion kid drive
L: Fine I'll be there in 10 minutes

"I'm going to Louis's." I tell my mom on the way out. She gives me a quizzical look but goes back to typing on her computer. I walk out and realize it is raining. I shake my head and sprint out to the car. I hate rain and I'm scared of thunderstorms. Because I'm a scaredy-cat. But the rain is just gross. It's sticky and cold and always gives me a headache.


"Harry, why are you stiting in my car at 9:30 in the morning soaking wet?" Is the first thing Louis asks when I open the door.

"I came to see if you were feeling better and it's uh- raining outside."

"Well come inside don't just stand there." He ushers me inside. "Did you eat breakfast?"

"No, I didn't."

"I'll make toast when we get home."


"Is it good?" He asks as I'm nine bites in. I nod and he seems satisfied. I catch a cold draft and shiver under my wet hoodie.

"Are you cold?"

"A little." I admit.

"Well, take off your hoodie. It'll warm you up." I shrug and pull the hoodie over my head. I bite the inside of my cheek as the tiny scabs catch on the fabric of the hoodie.

"I feel like taking off my hoodie will not make me warmer." I say with a laugh. But when I look over Louis is not laughing. He has a blank expression on his face and he is staring at my arms. Why is he staring at my arms?

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