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"How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved." - Unknown 



Baby, it's cold outside - Dean Martin 

Don't give up on me - Andy Grammar 


[Harry's POV ] 


"Good morning Harry." My mom chirps as I fumble down the stairs. She and my sister are sitting on the couch. A few presents are under the tree. 

Oh, it's Christmas. That's right.

"Hi, guys. Merry Christmas." I say sleepily. Rubbing my eyes and sitting down in my spot. 

"Merry Christmas." They say in unison. We pass out all the presents and open them.

I got my mom a pair of really nice fluffy socks and a mug with her favorite tv show on it.

I got my sister the perfume she always wears. 

I got a few books from my mom and a few classic movies from my sister. I make sure to thank them and flip through the books. I have been talking about how much they interested me for a while. But I didn’t think anyone was paying attention. 

"Are those good ones?" My mom asks, leaning forward with a worried look on her face. I nod excitedly and reassure her it's correct. 

"I'm gonna go to the store to get some stuff mom," Gemma says, hugging my mom and grabbing her keys. I see her spray a bit of the perfume I got her and then leave.

"Can I invite Louis over?" I ask.

"Of course." My mom says, getting up and collecting the wrapping paper off the ground. I thank her and hurry up to my room. 

H: Hi Louis 

L: Hi harry

H: Wanna come over? 

L: Of course. I'll be over as soon as I can!

I glance over at his little wrapped gift sitting on my desk. Even though he said we weren’t doing gifts, I couldn’t help it. I couldn't get him nothing. He's the most important thing in my life.

I change into an ugly sweater my mom got me. And when I say ugly I mean really ugly. Louis is going to hate it. I throw on some jeans and a little Santa hat. 

I should make some cookies. 

I hurry downstairs and peek into the kitchen. Which is empty, perfect. I collect all the supplies. Which we happen to have everything I need. I turn on some Christmas music and start making little sugar cookies with red and green sprinkles. My phone dings and I peek over to see who it is. 

L: I'm on my way!!

H: Great!!!


[ Louis’s POV ]

I shuffle my feet on Harry’s snowy doorstep. After 20 mins at my house I decided on a red t-shirt and just black jeans. I hold the little present I got Harry in my right hand. I know I said we weren’t doing gifts, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t get him nothing. He’s the most important thing in my life. I knock three times and he flings the door open in a split second. 

“Hi, Lou!” Harry says with a toothy smile. My tummy turns at the nickname and I smile back. He is wearing a red sweater with a dog and a Christmas tree on it. It’s hideous, but I guess that’s the point. He is wearing a precious little Santa hat and he is basically glowing. Because he’s perfect like that. 

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