ℂʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 38: "𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐"

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Kill POV:

June  2020
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

"Kill you have to wake up now. Your boyfriend is already here," my sister, Mae, said after a loud bang from the door of my room.

"Yeaaaah!" I loudly responded. I lazily stood up from my bed and fixed it before going to the bathroom.

It was already three months since our final mission and our five-year-contract has finally ended. The final mission was the toughest we ever received. We assassinated an Iranian terrorism-affiliated politician when he traveled to Istanbul, Turkey.  Luckily, we accomplished it and safely returned to Canada.

One month after our complete freedom, I moved out from Liam's unit and went back to my sister's home. I confessed to my sister and Frank that I am bisexual to which they smiled and hugged me in response. They said they accept me for whoever and whatever I am and they will always be happy for me. I honestly don't care about how they or other people will react towards my sexual orientation but hearing acceptance and feeling the love from the people I treasure really felt great.

Then after another month, I introduced my boyfriend to them. They accepted us. Until now, I just can't imagine that I got myself into this kind of relationship. Tokyo and whatever happened there, brought me back from being heartless. I finally returned the love that I received from people who genuinely care for me. It felt so good. I realized that I am nothing but a human who wanted to be loved after all. Since then, I tried to offer love as much as I can in return.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and wore my casual clothes. After I made sure that I looked decent, I hurriedly left my room and walked downstairs. My watch showed ten o'clock in the morning when I checked it.

"Good morning," I lively greeted everyone who were taking seats in the dining, eating breakfast. It's Saturday so Frank and P'Mae were home.

"Morning Kill!" Frank replied. "Come on! Take your breakfast."

"I'll be fine. I'll just gonna have something later on."

"Sit down!" P'Mae intervened. "I don't care whether you are running late or whatever but don't skip your breakfast."

"OK! OK! You win!" I raised my two hands in surrender and everyone just laughed. I slowly sat on one of the chairs and put a couple of pancakes to my plate.

"Good morning babe! How's your sleep?" Polo said and kissed my left cheek. He always teased me. Polo was one of the members of Team Alpha, our team when Liam and I were still bodyguards.

"Morning too babe!" I replied with a wide smile.

"So it's either, you two are breaking up now or I'll break every bone you have. What do you think Wolf?" Candra uttered.

"Agreed!" Wolf replied which earned laughs from all of us. Still, I am not yet used to call him Wolf, I still prefer Liam. Well since we were no longer bound with the contract, we needed to use our real identity to safely hide our previous acts. I looked at him. He seated on my right while Polo was in my left with Candra beside him. He was again jealous. This guy might have been born with jealousy running in his blood.

My Deadly LoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang