ℂʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4: "𝚁𝚎𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗"

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Kill POV:

"Assemble in five mins!" someone shouted which caused me to hurriedly pick up my uniform and wear it.

"I am not gonna be late on the first day of training," I thought.

"It's gonna be a tough first day!" the white guy said who is, judging by his skin, appearance, and traits, born here in Canada.

"Yeah!" the obviously half-Chinese guy agreed.

I currently wearing my black camouflage uniform and I really don't know where I got the audacity to butt in.

"You both have no right to complain because you sounded like your ships have sailed off all over the world last night. You snored as if Oxygen has finally left Earth!" I just rolled my eyeballs and hurriedly went out of the room.

I run through the corridors of every floor, afraid of getting punishment for late.

By 5am all of us were already on the training ground. Twenty men in total. The training focused on specialization so men and women were segregated to master respective specialize objectives. The training started with stretching and got heavier with the final challenge of doing ten rounds in the oval. The instructor warned that whoever fails to perform the task will have no breakfast.

Thank God all of us successfully completed the task and by 0730H we are already eating our first breakfast. The next training would be at 0900H so there will be enough time for me to shower after I take a nap since I slept past 2am already because of those snoring giants.

I really cried too much last night but at least I was able to let it all out. I promised to become stronger so I need to forget and move on. It was already past midnight when I started to sleep but I can't because of the loud snores came from the two guys earlier.

I woke up at 0820H and decided to take a shower before going to the next training.

As expected, shower room is just a typical military shower room which we usually see in movies. A common shower room subdivided by numerous cubicles. As I walked towards an empty cubicle I just smiled when I saw Liam taking a shower with his ass fully exposed, he probably forgot to close the door but I was shocked when he turned his head and gave me a teasing smile.

"This asshole really has no shame!" I said silently.

I walked until I found an empty cubicle which happened to be in the corner. I pushed the door open and came in.

With the things going on around me, I snickered when I remembered my bestfriend Blue who usually teases me every time I tell him about the things that Fire and I do. I mean there is nothing censored about it anyway, the most vulgar thing we did so far was going to shower together fully naked which we have done so many times already because we just considered it as normal and we were both straight not until, not until I felt a warm sensation in my heart in every single day that I see him from the moment this feeling has begun. I just felt it on our last month in high school. I confessed to Blue about it.

"Finally your head has been blessed with brain," Blue logically replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It is what it is. Are you gonna confess to him?" he asked.

"NO!" I abruptly uttered.

"You are best friends, if you're gonna confess and its not gonna work out then you can be friends as usual," he calmly replied.

"I know Fire really well but I honestly can't tell on how he is gonna comprehend about this matter so I'll gonna keep it until it will vanish," I softly said and gave Blue a timid smile.

Five days before graduation, Fire called telling me to come over his place to celebrate since it was already been announced that I topped this year and he ranked 2nd. We normally do this since we were kids. We celebrated together, neglecting the idea of who's on the top.

We talked about everything: our childhood memories, our favorites, our wishes, our future but the lively vibes suddenly turned melancholic when out of nowhere I muttered that I have something to say.

"Fire?" I said.

"Hmm." his reply was just so short but overpowering, it felt like the walls we have been crashing for years is ready to transformed into a taller and tougher new walls.

I was afraid. I was trully afraid but I needed to. I wanted to confess to be finally free and to be honest with my best friend.

"Uhmm." I started. The nervousness that I am feeling right now is crushing my heart slowly and continuously. I tried to hide my trembling hands from him.

"Fire, I like you!" I finally said it.

He did not reply, instead he just stared at me with a furrowed forehead and his eyebrows nearly touching each other.

"Fire?" I called again.

Again, he did not reply. He is still stared at me with expression that I, his best friend since childhood can never decipher.

He finally pulled away from our gazing and without any word, he left.

He left. He just left. He left in his very own place. I should be the one to leave since I am the one who came over. I came to celebrate.

I patiently waited for him for hours but he never came back. I even thought that it would better if he just rejected me and settle as friends instead but he uttered no words and turned his back away from me.

Those memories can still really squeeze my heart. I remembered my promise which is gradually shattering and falling hopelessly.

"To forget and move on.

"Easier said than done!" I thought while my tears started to pour out again.

"Hey Noah, are you OK?" Liam called out while hugging me from the back.

They all left. Left without saying any words. My parents. My first love and best friend. They all left me like a broken glass in the floor.

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