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Bangkok, Thailand

"Do you think we don't know what you have done?

"Don't assume that because you are a kid we would go easy with you!" the  leader spat out while pulling Kill's hair who is now on the floor with his face covered with blood.

One of the leaders of the Mafia came with his men and ransacked their Mansion after Kill and his sister insisted not to give up their family's wealth.

Kill's parents died 2 days ago due to a car accident. They were on their way to attend Kill's high school graduation when the car lost control and crashed into the concrete barriers which have been placed on the ongoing road construction.

When the Mafia Boss of Thailand knew about the incident, he sent one of his leaders to inform Kill that they will get all the businesses of his parents. They claimed that the Mafia co-managed their businesses and they will acquire it since both of his parents are now dead.

Kill and his sister Mae did not agree, instead they summoned their lawyers to protect their wealth.

The Mafia Boss heard about it and was not pleased with the siblings' action. He sent his men again today to threaten them.

The men rummaged their mansion. Good thing was that his best friends Blue and Rain already left after an overnight sleep to look after him. Kill was not been eating well since his parents passed away so his best friends came to comfort him.

Their guards are now kneeling down right in front of him while the bad men was behind them, pointing a gun to each of them.

The next time we come back, your head will roll over this floor," the leader threatened Kill and ordered to kill all their guards.

They left the mansion and promised to come back if Kill will not give what they want.

Kill was attended by his servants, cleaned his wounds and put medicine on it. Blue and Rain worriedly came back after one of the servants informed them.

Kill called his sister and told her about what happened.

"Kill just settle our parents today. I'll cancel my flight and book a flight for you to Canada instead, just stay with me," Mae worriedly said.

"No! We must fight back! Our parents worked hard for it P'Mae, we cannot allow them to take it away from us," he insisted.

"Kill, we are different from them. They are ruthless and are willing to kill just to get what they want.

"They already killed our guards. I don't want to lose you too and I don't want them to kill people who are dear to us," Mae explained.

"I agree with P'Mae, Kill. You can't even fight back while you are still here. You are more vulnerable here in Thailand," Blue intruded since they can hear their conversation too.

"Blue is right. Just fly here to Canada and we will see what we can do, at least I am sure that they can't harm you here," Mae agreed.

Kill finally decided to leave Thailand after he settled their parents. He hesitantly took his flight to Canada.

"One day, I will show you the reason why you should have not messed with a Chirathivat! Just wait for it!" Killed mumbled before the plane finally took off.

My Deadly LoverWhere stories live. Discover now