ℂʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17: "𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐"

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Kill POV:

Edmonton, Canada

Its already been six months since we were deployed as private bodyguards. After our first mission with the son of Dubai's Crown Prince, every week we received different task serving both within Canada and overseas.

There were times that we were ordered to serve a British client travelling to Mexico and Panama for his business which was not specified, our job is to only protect the client and any other information doesn't require us to know.

We were also sent to Russia, USA, Egypt, Israel, Japan, China and South Africa. I must say that there wasn't any time that the client was not compromise, still we were successfully able to protect and accompany all of them safely back to their home.

Being a private bodyguard is one of the most arduous and perilous professions. Six months of working in this field really made me strong not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

My relationship with Captain Wesley and Team Alpha grew firmer, our coordination is superb causing our every mission to be completed exceptionally. Liam and I became closer but nothing intimate, he still teases me when time allows.

After six months of hard work, our agency Golden Eagle Security called me out for some reasons that I am not aware yet. I was inside CEO Brad Wilson's office, sitting in a chair in front of him and Frank beside me. The scenario feels like the first time I met him when I enlisted myself for a 2-year training prior to being deployed as a bodyguard.

"Only trusted individuals know about the information that I m going to discuss with you Noah so I expect it to be remained confidential," Brad Wilson started.

"Understood Sir!" I obediently replied.

"Golden Eagle Security has actually two faces," he said while looking at me, eye to eye. I can feel the intensity of his prowess seems like commanding me to lend my ears and shut my mouth to whatever details I am about to learn.

"This Agency provides security detail to our trusted clients as seen and known by everyone but we work with assassinations from behind as well," he continued.

I was shocked to be honest causing me to swallow as if there's a lump in my throat.

"But we do not just kill anyone. Our agency is a part of a World Organization which aims to eliminate toxic of our society: corrupt government officials, drug dealers, human traffickers, terrorists, mafia bosses and many more," he elaborated when he saw a sudden shock in my face.

If there is something that have caught my attention that would be the mafia bosses which our family happened to be their victims too. All these years, I have prepared myself so one day I could take my revenge and take back whatever they have stolen from us. All these years I kept on running away and stayed low-key hoping for them to forget about us so one day if I would strike back they will just be surprised.

"Every five years we select and train the best people to become our elite assassins to carry out every mission. In six months time, our assassins will finally retire and we chose you to be one of our next assassins," he seriously conveyed.

"We have only three assassins in this agency and they work as a team under codenames. Codename One: The Assassin. Two: The Intel. Three: The Infiltrator. Based on the skills and personalities that you have shown in 2 years in training and the past six months as a bodyguard, you possessed all the abilities of the three assassins but we always believed that a team can work better than only one.

"We already selected Two and Three, now we are asking you,  would you be our One?" he asked.

I darted my eyes to Frank, trying to grasp what he has in mind while trying to figure out what my sister Mae would think about this one. He just gave me a casual smile. Mae, on other hand, will for sure be hysterical to know that his brother is going to kill people.

"I want this. I really want this. Those people who have power should not harm those who are powerless. If the oppressed can't defend theirselves, who else will?" I thought.

"Noah you only have four and a half year before your contract will end with us. If you're going to accept it, you will be sent in training for six months for specialization courses which you will choose. Then you would only be serving for four years as our assassin and you will be compensated 10 times than what you earn right now."

I am currently well-compensated as a bodyguard. Although I am not thinking about the money, I still gonna need it for my future plans. Bodyguard and assassin are just the same, hard and risky, but I'll gonna select what can forge me better the most.

"I accept it," I bravely answered.

"Great! Now please sign these documents."

After few minutes I handed back the documents to him fully signed. I still don't hear anything from Frank, he is just listening to the both of us.

"So what are the specilization courses you want to take? Here are the list of the things you might interested in," he said and handed me a folder containing the full list of courses.

Some of the courses listed were actually already been taught in our 2 years of training in the camp. Most of the things listed were offensive and defensive techniques during combat and weapons.  If I am going to take  courses, that should be something that I don't know yet but what I have in mind are not listed.

"Can I choose something which is not listed in here?" I questioned.

"Of course. We can arrange that for you. If you think its gonna help you for your future jobs, we must teach it."

"Then I'll have languages and culture just the countries which usually hire us, liquors, special effects and beauty make up, and fashion," I shared which earned a cackle from him.

"You got a weird taste Noah!" he responded while laughing.

"I know, but most of the things listed were I already mastered and some aren't interesting at all.

"Assassins must execute missions while keeping secrecy. To maintain secrecy, you must complete the mission in disguise. Disguising as someone else can hinder your enemies from revealing your personal details, the company you work for and who asked for the service. To disguise means letting them assume that the person you portray is the real you and you belong in their world too," I firmly added.

"You are really brilliant Noah. We never failed to have you," he replied with astonishment.

Important matters were also discussed before Frank and I left the office to drive me back to the dormitory. Tomorrow I'll be picked up for the six-month specialization training. I am not allowed to inform anyone.

"Dont worry about your sister Mae, Kill. I'll take care of her I promise and I'll cover you up so don't worry. I already know that you will eventually end up like this Kill, you're an open book and not that hard to read. Just stay safe, you can do it!" Frank adviced.

"Thanks Frank," I simply muttered.

"This is just the beginning. I'll make sure that everything will be worth it," I thought.

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