ℂʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1: "𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝚝𝚘 𝙽𝚊𝚍𝚊"

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Kill POV:

Edmonton, Canada

It's been a year since I left Thailand and flew here to Edmonton, Canada but until now I still keep on changing my job. P'Mae urged me many times before to go to college but I have already lost interest with studies. Instead, I kept myself busy with work.

I worked as a waiter in a bar, restaurants and fast food chains, a partner/barista in cafes, janitor in schools, a customer service representative in a certain telecommunication company, and sales clerk in boutiques.

My sister finally understood me, I never wanted to argue with her every time she asks me to go to school anyway. I know she is just worried about me. But I'm doing fine. Am I really doing fine?

Part of me still regret that I left Thailand. Another part of me still blame myself that I allowed the Mafia to take everything which my parents labored for years.

My parents died in a car accident during my high school graduation just a year ago. After their death, a man came and introduced himself as one of the leaders of a Mafia and tried to claim all of our assets and properties.

According to the man who showed up, most of my parent's businesses were co-managed by the Mafia and they will take it since my parents are already dead. Mae and I did not fear, instead we summoned our lawyers to defend our wealth.

Enraged by our action, that man came back with his men and ransacked our mansion in Thailand while we are still mourning with our parents' death.

"The next time we come back, your head will roll on this floor," the leader threatened me and killed all of our guards.

P'Mae cancelled her flight back home. She told me to settle our parents' ashes and booked me a flight to Canada instead.I insisted to fight back at first but she concluded that I am more important to her than our wealth. She said, "They already killed our guards. I don't want to lose you too and I don't want them to kill people who are dear to us."

I later on agreed to leave.

Our lives slowly changed since then. The Mafia slowly took away our wealth until they got everything. They threatened our lawyers; afraid that their families will also be harmed, all of them backed out.

Now, the only things left to us were a cafe which is now being managed by Blue, one of my best friends, and an expensive three-bedroom condo unit in 98 Wireless in Bangkok. Both were actually owned by Mom but she later on named it under me before she passed away.

The house where we are living right now is owned by P'Mae. When she married her husband Frank Tremblay, who is working in a security detail agency; our parents bought a house for her as a present.

We have never encountered any financial problem before when our parents are still alive. But we will never sell the things left by our parents. These are the only things which can remind us about them. Memories of how much they loved us.

That's the exact reason why I wanted to work. I don't want my sister and her husband to feel that I am a burden to them. I don't want them to spend most of their time counselling me. Since then, I hid my true emotions. Most of the time, I faked it. I never really trusted anyone.

"You woke up late, aren't you going for work?" P'Mae asked me calmly when she saw me walking towards the dining where she is digging her cereals before going to work.

"Nah. I already talked to P'Frank last night, I'm going to try in their agency," I responded with a grin on my face.

"But their job is freaking dangerous Kill! You're the only one I have," she worriedly uttered.

"So what do you take me for?" Frank suddenly intruded when he overheard our conversation then approached us.

One of the things that I didn't regret about leaving Thailand is having my sister and meeting her husband Frank. He turned out to be my one-big-best brother. We have so much in common, from food down to hobbies. Even if he is 10-year older than me, we still got along well no wonder our house is always lively.

"I would turn myself into a widow if something bad gonna happen with Kill," P'Mae fired back with rolling eyeballs.

All of us just laughed with what Mae blurted out. My sister left for work while Frank and I are still eating our breakfast.

At ten in the morning, Frank and I left and went to the agency where he works. We traced down the corridor leading to the office of Brad Wilson, the CEO of Golden Eagle Security.

Frank has been working in the agency for six years already and became good friends with the CEO and most of the employees. He is a 30-year old man with good physique, charming smile, and strict presence so it's no surprise that everyone respects him not just because he is the head of the Security Training and Development but his principle is undeniably firm too.

"Hey Brad, this is my brother the one I told you earlier," Frank uttered after greeting Brad then sat down on a chair in front of the CEO's table.

"Sit down young man," Brad said and pointed out the other chair for me to sit down.

"Thank you!" I replied with a close-lipped smile.

Our conversation took hours. We discussed about the things that I must do and the trainings I must undergo before I will be sent as an agent. Brad explained that I must master different martial arts: Karate, Jujitsu, Aikido, Judo, Hapkido, Kung fu, Capoeira, Krav maga, Tae kwon do, and Tai chi. I must as well exhibit proficiency in Archery, Guns, Swords, Knives, Bombs, Computers and even Disguises to get intel and for infiltration. 

I was caught in surprise to be honest. I never thought that a job as a private security would take such extreme trainings and will even take me two years before I will be deployed and will be hired if I will pass. Two years of staying in the camp and no going home. A camp which is located in Richelieu, Quebec, more than 3,000km away from Edmonton.

I had a little bit of hesitation whether to accept the contract or not. But I believed that this is the path that have been prepared for me. The path where I will become stronger so I can execute my plans in the future.

I finally decided to sign all the documents in front of me without asking P'Mae even it is a fact that I will be leaving in two days.

"She will be fine," I thought before signing the last piece of paper.

"Patience Kill.

"You can do it!

"This would help you in taking back everything that your parents worked for years.

"This is to show them the reason why they should have not messed with a Chirathivat.

"This is for your revenge!" I determinedly thought before Frank and I left the CEO's office.

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