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The story, all names, characters, and incidents are fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, public/private offices, and public places are mentioned but whatever details and characters  involved are wholly imaginary.

All photos  provided in this story are for visual representation purposes only and their characters and whatever details mentioned do not describe them in real life. Whatever similarities found are not intended and should never be deemed as real.

However, some of the characters and details in the later chapters are real with few changes or add-ons in name and other information. This does not mean to harm them but were only used purely for references.


This story has been personally labeled as "Mature Content". It may include obsence languages, harassment, violence, sex, drugs, killing, etc. which are not
suitable for young readers.


Photo credits to the owners of the photos. Credits to Google, Wikipedia, and/or other websites and public domains where the Author took the details of some of the characters and places mentioned in this story.

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