Chapter 20 - A confused mind

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Another update within 24 hours. Hope you all like it.


"Why?" Shubha asked Ramesh, her uncle. "You said you don't have any problem." 

"Shubha. You have to understand. This research is all I have. If you want to stop working with me, I will do everything in my power to stop you from taking it away." Ramesh spoke without a hint of regret.

"I started it with Rukhsar. You joined only after Dr. Gupta was impressed with our work and agreed to provide more funds to our research. You can't take away what's rightfully mine." Shubha yelled, sobbing.

"Rightfully yours? You forget your place. You have no rights here. I am the one who took you in after your parents' death. Is this how you repay me? I should have left you to die. You would have been reunited with your father" said Ramesh.

"YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER!" Shubha pushed him. He fell down on the floor. His wife, Veena, rushed to help him. 

Shubha picked up the nearest thing available, which happened to be a hammer. "No!" Veena shielded her husband. "Shubha. Please. I beg you." 

Shubha was brought back to her senses. She put the hammer down. She packed whatever she could lay her hands on, and walked out of the house without looking back.

"Shubha" Dhwani knocked the door.

"Two minutes please. I have to change." 

"Okay." Dhwani tried hard to keep their quarrel a secret. She knew Latha would punish Vikram for being rude. She decided not to tell anyone what happened.

On the other side of the door, Shubha changed into comfortable clothes and dried her hair. She felt angry. She hated herself for being weak. She hated herself for not punishing her uncle. She hated the fact that she loved him though he backstabbed her. 'Love makes people weak.'

She decided not to be weak anymore. She opened the door. Dhwani walked in. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I am fine." She lied. 

"You should have a peaceful discussion with Vicky." Dhwani suggested.

"I need a break. I will stay at my friend's place for a few days." 

"Are you sure?" 


"I will drop you." Dhwani offered.

"No. It's okay. I will drive." Shubha declined the offer. Bur Dhwani didn't agree. She insisted. Shubha finally gave in. She called Latha to let her know that she won't be coming home for a few days. She carefully avoided telling her the reason.

They walked out of the room. They saw Vikram standing at the entrance. He looked like he wanted to say something. But the moment their eyes met, he understood that she won't listen. He decided to wait for sometime.

He went to collect his belongings and leave for home. He heard a knock on the door. "Two minutes Subbu. Go, wait by the car--" He realized what he spoke. He shut his eyes tightly.

"Vicky boy. It's me." Chris punched him on the shoulder. Vikram didn't speak. 

Chris observed him carefully as he packed his things in his backpack. "Talk to her."

"Why should I talk to her? Who is she? She's not important to me."

"Is that why you were shivering when her friend told you she left hours ago?"

"It's because, you see, it's because she is my colleague. She stays at my house. If something happens to her I will have to answer to her relatives. And mom likes her. She will feel sad if the girl is hurt. It's not like I share a great bond of unbreakable friendship with her." Vikram struggled to look like it doesn't bother him.

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