45 Honor Among Thieves I

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Sly Cooper (narrating): All these memories, they just bring you back to the same place: getting crushed to death in the fist of some genetics experiment gone wrong. Not the way I thought I'd go out. Shame, really. Now that we've got this big gang... gang, more like a pack of misfits. Either way, we'd become a team. We had some real potential there. Could've pulled off some big jobs.

Sly Cooper (narrating): We were so close. The door to the Cooper Vault was opening, but that Dr. M... if there's any justice, he'll get his. I just wish I had seen what was in there. A stockpile of my family's accomplishments. Would I have measured up? What would I contribute? Would my father have been proud of me or ashamed?

Sly Cooper (narrating): Funny, but here I am at the end and suddenly all I can think about is what a coward I've been towards Carmelita. Never took the next step. Looking at Y/N, Neyla, Bentley, and Penelope, it's clear what life is about. If Carmelita was here, I'd tell her straight out how I feel and quit playing around. Put our professional differences aside and see if we could make it work. But that'll never happen now. Can't take this crushing!... Just let the pain stop.

Sly Cooper and the Gang in....

Honor Among Theives

At Dr M,'s Island fortress, Sly Cooper is under the grip of Dr. M. The Cooper Gang had arrived to help Sly to get to the Cooper Vault, but Dr M Intercepted and forced them to run. The monster grabs Sly and its about to crush him alive. However, help has arrived.

Approaching the island were none other than Inspector Fox and Constable Keiko. They somehow received info from anonymous and gather mercenaries to lead an assault on the Island.

Carmelita Fox: Lieutenant Gronk, get your squad together. We're about to see some action.

Gronk: Yes, ma'am. Lock and load, you apes. We're going in!

Keiko readies her crossbow and electric batons.

Carmelita: Are you ready, Keiko?

Keiko: Ready, mam. Let's do this.

Carmelita Fox: Hold on, Ringtail. Attack!

Keiko: Kill or capture! KILL OR CAPTURE!!!

The assault begins as Carmelita, Keiko, and the mercenaries attack Dr M's creatures. Keiko shoots her crossbow at the face of the monster. The beast roars before knocking s one of the mercenaries away. As the fight rages, Dr. M's reinforcements arrived.

Keiko: Reinforcements!

Carmelita Fox: So, you've got friends. I've got a shock pistol! We're even.

Keiko: Mam, I'll deal with these creeps. You go save your boyfriend!

Carmelita: Cooper is not my boyfriend!

The inspector jumps over to small piece of land and the giant mutant attacks while Carmelita shoots her pistol.

Dr. M: You're an unexpected annoyance! Do me a favor and hold still while I smash the life out of you!

The inspector has dealt with foes more menacing than this. Keiko switches to her batons and deals with her oppressors. Carmelita manages to defeat her foe before Dr M confronts the cop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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