10 The Black Chateau

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Sly Cooper (narrating): I had to call in a few favors to get the goods on the Klaww Gang's local operator: Dimitri, a sort of underworld celebrity, equally at home in high-class art circles and shady back-alley crimes. He was once a passionate young art student who worked hard to develop his own visionary style. Unfortunately, the art world wasn't quite ready for his "kinetic aesthetic." So he gave them what they wanted and started forging old masterpieces, his way of punishing those with bad taste.

Dimitri now runs a nightclub on the westside. The thumping music, colorful light shows, and a hint of danger lure in chic young patrons from far and wide, and it's here, hidden somewhere, where we'll find the Clockwerk tail feathers. What Dimitri plans to do with the Clockwerk part is beyond me, but those plans end tonight.


[Paris, France]

Dusk has arrived in the French Capital of Paris. Sly Cooper and his gang have located Dimitr's nightclub not far from Eifel Tower. They've manage to established a Safehouse which across the street from the nightclub. Sly, Y/N, and Sonar climb on top of the Safe House before the two thieves took out thier binoculars. They contact Bentley.

Sly Cooper: I tell ya, Bentley, it's going to be a real pleasure robbing this nightclub.

Y/N: Not to mention the fact that the Clockwerk Tailfeathers are also there waiting for us to be taken.

Bentley (binocucom): I share in your enthusiasm, but before we hit the inside, we'll need to do a little reconnaissance work.

Y/N: What do you have in mind?

Bentley (binocucom): I've installed this special antenna on the safe house to help with our first job: hacking into Dimitri's satellite array. The coordinates for the job start beacon have been uploaded to your binocucom. Make your way to this position, and I'll give you a full briefing on our objective.

Sly Cooper: We're on our way.

Y/N: Sonar, you know what to do.

Sonar takes off in the air.

Bentley: Y/N, I've managed to connect to Sonar's spy camera so I can monitor movements from the air.

Y/N: No problem, Bentley. Now you can alert us if we can't see any guards.

The two thieves reach towards the water tower. The two thieves climb the tower before contacting Bentley.

Y/N: Ok, Bentley. We're at the satellite array. What do you want us to do?

Bentley: Reposition the dish and point it at my Safehouse Antenna.

Sly presses the button and the sattelite array points at the Safehouse antenna.

Bentley: Sly. Y/N, Sonar has spotted two more antenna across town. You will have to split up.

Sly and Y/N split up and they connect the other two sattelite arrays and the Safehouse Antenna starts collecting data from the nightclub.

Bentley (binocucom): Nice work, boys. I'm downloading from Dimitri's mainframe as we speak!

Sly Cooper: All in a night's work, so where do we go from here?

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