36 Flight of Fancy I

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Y/N (narrating): Bentley was obsessed. Every night, he'd pour over the blueprints to Dr. M's fortress, looking for a way to get into the Cooper Vault. He soon came to the conclusion that there was no way inside unless the gang picked up a dedicated RC specialist: an expert who had mechanical and piloting skills far exceeding his own. After weeks of searching techy chat rooms he finally found someone who could keep up with him intellectually: a gearhead genius out of Holland named Penelope. She politely declined our invitation to join the team, saying she only works for "the best." Apparently, her idea of the best was her boss, the Black Baron, a bigtime dogfighting champ up there in Holland. He's so good that he's even set up an international competition called ACES to attract worthy opponents.

A few days later, she sent us a counteroffer. If our gang could manage to beat the Black Baron at his own game, then she'd know were weren't just a pack of jokers and therefore worth her time. So, we got busy. With no time to lose, Bentley and Murray worked to put a couple of planes together while Sly, Neyla, and I got our pilot license the fastest way possible. We'd prove to this Penelope that the Cooper Gang was up for the challenge, even if we were making it all up as we went along.

Sly Cooper and the Gang in...


The Cooper Gang had accepted the invitation for the ACES competition. After having their planes assembled, they flew to Holland where they set up a hangar for their planes. They also manage to established one of the hotel rooms as a Safehouse. However they are not the only ones. Carmelita and Keiko heard about the competition a d head for the country as well. They still hunting down the Cooper Gang.

Y/N has his pilot uniform on and prepares to head out when he gets called.

Y/N has his pilot uniform on and prepares to head out when he gets called

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Neyla: Oh, Bowman.

When Y/N turns around he is amazed to see Neyla in a tight outfit pilot.

He also sees that her breasts are a bit bigger

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He also sees that her breasts are a bit bigger.

Neyla: You like it? And I see this suit made my girls big.

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