33: Rumble down Under I

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Sly Cooper (narrating): At first, it seemed just like old times. The gang was back in action. But little by little, we learned that Murray's heart just wasn't in it. Without the Guru's permission to give up on his Dreamtime training, he'd never really felt comfortable returning to the gang. We knew we needed to help him out. So, we packed up our things, whipped up some quick disguises, and headed for the Australian outback.

Along the way, Murray told us story after story about his teacher's amazing abilities. Apparently, this "Guru" of his was capable of fantastic feats. He used the Dreamtime to blend perfectly into his surroundings and even gain mental control over the weak-minded. If even half the stories were true, then this was a guy I just had to meet. Our gang needed to grow its ranks for a chance to get inside the Cooper Vault, and this Guru, this outback mystic, was looking like the best recruit we could have ever asked for. However, when we finally arrived in the outback, it was a shock to find that things had changed, and the Guru was nowhere to be seen.

Sly Cooper and the Gang in...

Rumble Down Under

After arriving at the Australian Outback, Sly, Y/N, Neyla, Sonar, Bentley, and Murray established a Safehouse overview the mining camp. Sly, Y/N. Sonar, and Neyla head outside to investigate.

Bentley (binocucom): The miners have really torn this place up looking for opals. Watch your step! They're sure to get rough defending their claim.

Y/N: We'll give them one hell of a fight.

Neyla: I wonder what's so special about opals?

Search for the Guru

The thief trio pull out their binocucoms and contact Murray.

Murray (binocucom): My master spends most of his time up there in that cave, overlooking the valley and contemplating the depths of deepness. I really appreciate you breaking the news to him that I want to break off my training.

Sly Cooper: No problem, pal. We're looking forward to meeting him. Anybody you call "master" must be a heck of a guy.

Murray (binocucom): Oh, he's awesome! He'll get inside your head and freak you out six ways from Sunday!

Sly Cooper: Uh, awesome.

Y/N: I bet he can make even a disciplined warrior cry like a baby.

Neyla: We should make our way to the cave.

As Sonar takes off, the trio make their way around the camp, avoiding guards before they reach to the cave

Sly Cooper: Sorry pal, this cave's empty. Got any other ideas where he might be?

Murray (binocucom): Well... that's his hut. But he doesn't really hang out there on... account of the smell.

Sly Cooper: The smell?

Murray (binocucom): It's a long story... I had to apologize up and down for like a month before he'd speak to me again.

Y/N: What'd you do?

Murray (binocucom): The unspeakable, Y/N, the un-speakable.

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