34 Rumble Down Under II

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Nighttime has arrived in the Australian Outback. The Cooper Gang have received a few more jobs to drive out the miners. The gruesome job was that Murray feed a giant crocodile a bunch of miners in an effort to destroy the mask of Dark Earth, but failed. So the next job, they go to retrieve radioactive oil.

Y/N, Sonar, Neyla Sly, and Murray head out to get the job done.

Sly Cooper: You guys ready to head out to the oil fields? Should be right through this cave.

Murray: Oh yeah! Bentley said there'd be heavy machinery and destruction going down!

Y/N: Sounds like your thing.

Murray: Y-E-S, yeah!

Sly Cooper: We're going after some radioactive oil, right?

Murray: I don't know. I can never pay attention during those slideshows. Don't tell Bentley.

Sly Cooper: Wouldn't dream of it.

Neyla: You sometimes stay awake when Bentley gave you jobs to destroy things.

(The four make their way through the cave before reaching the oil fields.

Bentley (binocucom): Sly, Y/N, Neyla, phase one is to protect these power stations while Murray gets all six oil wells flowing. Use this Super Claw 10,000 to deal with any miners that might show up. Before you're spotted, why don't you pick up that rock and drop it in the pit?

Sly operates the claw and grabs a rock before dropping it in the pit.

Sly: This is easy.

Bentley (binocucom): You do seem quite adept. The other important feature on the 10,000 model is the throwing action. You can throw things quite a ways. Go ahead and hit that electric fence with one of those rocks.

Sly throws the first rock.

Sly Cooper: I think I got the hang of it.

Bentley (binocucom): Nice shot! Let's see you do it again.

(Sly throws the second rock.)

Sly Cooper: Face it, Bentley. I'm a natural.

Bentley (binocucom): Hope you're right, 'cause it looks like the miners are onto us! Everyone, defend the power stations by using everything and anything in the oil field. This electric fence should come in especially handy for dispatching guards. Here they come!

At the cue, miners show up. Y/N shoots from a tall rock while Neyla stands in front of a power station. While Sly grab gaurds and throws them at the electric fence, Y/N shoots them with his arrows. When a few guards slip through, Neyla deal with them.

Murray: I got one well flowing, two more to go!

Neyla: More guards coming in.

Y/N: And we're just getting started.

He decides to fight alongside his girlfriend and draws out his batons before aiding her. Sly drops a explosive barrel on a few guards.

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