21 He who Tames the Iron Horse P1

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Y/N (narrating): Following the trail of spice shipments, we made our way up to Nunavut Bay, Canada, the secret hub of Jean Bison's shipping empire. As a young man, Bison trekked across Canada to strike it rich during the Gold Rush of 1852. An avid prospector, he took some chances and ended up buried alive in an avalanche. Miraculously, the quick freeze kept him alive, and 120 years later, thanks to global warming, he thawed out. A product of his time, he dreams of taming the "Wild North," damming every river and chopping down all the trees with progress delivered at the sharp end of an ax. Shipping spice for the Klaww Gang proved a lucrative way to bankroll his one-man war against nature. And yet, the gang and I have to feel a little sorry for him. He's just a normal guy from the 1850s. Back in his day, he'd be a hero, but today, he's a villain. Either way, that man's got more than his fair share of the Clockwerk parts. What a low tech guy like Jean Bison is doing with robot parts is a mystery. I almost don't want to know. But as always, it's only a matter of time before the gang and I find out.


[Nenuva Bay, Canada]

The gang arrives at Nenuva Bay. Since the weather is cold and snowing, the group geared up. Y/N and Neyla wear something warm for the winter weather.

 Y/N and Neyla wear something warm for the winter weather

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Sly, Y/N, and Neyla head on out to do recon.

Bentley (binocucom): I've got a lead on the Clockwerk parts. Head through town and out into the wilderness. They bypass a few Moose Guards, Mountain Goat, guards, a few Eagles and a Canadian Truck.

As the three thieves head through town, Y/N couldn't help but marvel around.

Y/N: Snow. I never thought I would see it again.

Sly: I assumed your home has lots of it.

Y/N: Yeah. My parents helped me make a snowman during the holidays, and dad used to play snowball fights with me and my other friends. And (sniff) mom used to make snow angels. I missed them.

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