38: Flight of Fancy III

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The ACES Finals is tomorrow so the gang has all night to get their jobs done before the competition. While Y/N and the Guru tamed the giant wolf to deal with the Baron's guards who are pilots, Sly and Bentley deal with Muggshot.

Bentley: It's time we dealt with Muggshot. We can't risk him taking down the Baron before you in the finals.

Sly Cooper: Not to mention he deserves a little payback for what he did to our aircraft hangar.

Bentley: True, true, since Muggshot's assault, the Baron has been keeping an eye on him. We can't fight him out in the open, for risk of getting disqualified. Thankfully, Inspector Fox and Constable Keiko are out in the field looking for us.

Sly Cooper: I hear ya, we'll set 'em against each other. Muggshot is an international criminal after all. Carmelita and Keiko won't be able to resist.

Bentley: My only concern is for Inspector Fox and Constable Keiko's safety.

Sly Cooper: Oh, don't worry about her. She's more than a match for a meathead like Muggshot. And as for her partner, she may be a rookie, but with her training from Carmelita, she's a tough nut to crack.

Bentley: Okay, I'll pick a fight with Muggshot, and bait him into a meeting in the Town Square for our "rumble."

Sly Cooper: You do that, I'll get Carmelita's attention and lead her back here to the same place.

Bentley: Agreed.

Sly Cooper: I've gotta hand it to you, Bentley, this is a really underhanded plan.

Bentley: Why, thank you!... I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Bentley enters the hotel and confronts Muggshot

Muggshot: Aw, beat it, twerp, the Black Baron's been giving me the grill since that "event" in yer hangar.

Bentley: Perhaps you'd like to take out some frustration by engaging in a physical battle with me outside in the Town Square?

Muggshot: No way, I'm being watched here... that, and it wouldn't feel right poundin' a four-eyed runt in a wheelchair.

Bentley: Runt in a wheelchair?! Your mother was a broken-down tub of junk with more gentleman callers than the operator.

Muggshot: Nobody talks that way about my mother! Nobody! Okay, little broken-down runt, looks like you're gonna get broken down even more!

Bentley: Town Square, five minutes, please don't be late.

(Bentley leaves the hotel, while Sly gets into position)

Bentley (binocucom): Okay, Sly, Muggshot is on his way outside. Go find Inspector Fox and lead her back to the Town Square.

(Sly finds Carmelita and deliberately gets caught)

Sly Cooper: Hey, Inspector Fox! Still, looking for a date to the prom?

(Carmelita and Keiko chase Sly)

Carmelita Fox: Quit running and I'll pin the corsage on you!

Keiko: And I'll be your escort for the prom!!

The two cops chase the Master Thief from the fields towards Town. Keiko aims and fires an arrow which spreads into a large net. However, Sly uses his acrobatic skills to evade the net.

Sly uses a smoke bomb to vanish allowing Carmelita and Keiko to run through before reaching out to find out Sly disappeared.

Carmelita Fox: Blast it, Sly! Why run? Why not face me like a real man?

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