16 Jailbreak P1

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The Setup

Bentley (narrating): It took a sleepless week of data crunching, but I eventually tracked down the location of my friends: locked away in the mysterious towers of Prague. At the moment, they're the unwilling guests of Interpol's most renowned prison warden: the Contessa. While still a criminal psychology student, she entered into a whirlwind romance and married a wealthy aristocrat. Sadly, the union was short-lived, as the general "suspiciously" died a few weeks after the ceremony. The widowed Contessa put her education and newly acquired estate to work, by opening a criminal rehabilitation center. Her pioneering use of hypnotherapy has produced some good results and subsequently earned her a prominent position within Interpol. My friends are locked up somewhere in the clinic, and are slated for the Contessa's "good samaritan" brainwashing. If I don't bust them out soon, they'll be working a 9-to-5 job selling shoes, and I'll be out two best friends!


[Prague, Czech Republic]

Driving through the streets of Prague were Y/N, Sonar, and Neyla.

Y/N: Are you sure this is the right place?

Neyla: Then that house is a dead giveaway.

Near was the Contessa's house with a few guards patrolling.

Y/N: Night Wolf to Wiazard. Come in, Wizard.

Neyla: Wizard?

Y/N: That's our codenames Bentley gave us.

Bentley: Night Wolf? Is that you?!

Y/N: You got it, buddy and I see the team van. Also I brought someone along.

Bentley: What do you mean?

Y/N stops near the ramp leading to the Safehouse and they get off. The door opens, revealing Bentley. He sees Y/N.

Bentley: Y/N! Sonar!

The two embraced before the turtle sees Neyla. Y/N pulls back.

Bentley: Neyla?! What is she doing here?!

Y/N: Let me explain. I was helping you guys when one of Rajan's guards ambushed me. He poisoned me with snake venom.

Neyla: That is when I found him and took him to New Dhali by chopper. The doctors gave him antidote otherwise he would have been dead already.

Y/N: What she said is true. Neyla saved my life and I loved her.

He and Neyla intertwine hands. Bentley sees this before showing a smile.

Bentley: Well, since you saved Y/N's life, you should join the Cooper Gang. We could use your help.

Neyla: Gladly.

They head inside the Safehouse to discuss the situation.

Y/N: I heard from Sonar that Sly, Murray, and are taken prisoner. We need to find out where they are.

Bentley: I should make my way over to the Contessa's house. Maybe I'll pick up a few leads on the location of Sly and Murray. You two should stay here.

Neyla: You sure?

Bentley: I must try, Neyla.

Y/N: Sonar will help you. Since he's small, he can get closer to the Contessa.

Bentley: That is a great idea. He'll be able to listen in on what the Contessa is saying. We might be able to learn where she's locked up Sly and Murray.

The turtle grabs his crossbow and heads out with Sonar following him. With the bat protecting him, Bentley reaches to the top of the house where they see the Contessa. Sonar flies in near her and listens in.

Contessa: The Klaww Gang is falling apart, spice shipments have all but stopped... argh! I never would have joined if I'd known it would be this easy to disrupt the plan. At least the Cooper Gang is under lock and key... their lopsided morality flies in the face of man's inherent selfishness. Ah well... they'll see it my way soon enough.

Bentley and Sonar were surprised heard that the high rank prison warden is a secret member of the Klaww Gang.

The Contessa: Those fools at Interpol. They keep sending me criminals and I keep making money. How come no one ever thought of this before? Hypnotize criminals and force them to reveal where they've hidden their fortune... I'm a genius! If only I had more spice to help me with the hypnosis!

Bentley is shocked to hear what she said along with Sonar.

The Contessa: That blasted Cooper Gang. The fat one. What's his name? Murray... Yes, Murray, he'll be the first to break. I should spend a few sessions probing that feeble mind, I can only imagine the wealth that gang has accumulated over the years.

"That Sly Cooper... such a complex and rebellious mind. A month or two in "the hole" should break his spirit. Let him squat there... week after week... he's seen that the guards along the wall all have motion detectors... there is no escape. Slowly the reality of his captivity will set in... and I'll get to work on his mind."

After hearing everything, Bentley and Sonar return to the Safehouse.

Y/N: What happened out there?

Bentley: Inconceivable!

Neyla: What do you mean?

Bentley: The Contessa is no health care professional. Why, that's the most heinous crime I've ever heard of! Putting inmates into hypnosis so they'll tell her where they've stashed their loot. It dishonors both law enforcement and thieves at the same time!

Both Y/N and Neyla were shocked to heard about the Contessa.

Y/N: If the Contessa puts Sly and Murray into hypnosis, we'll lose everything we've collected over the years.

Neyla: Everything?

Y/N turns to see the Thevius Raccoonus Book.

Y/N: Even the book too. We have no time to lose. Bentley, what's the plan?

Bentley: I should get to work and figure out a way to break Sly out of "the Hole."

To be continued....

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