11: A Starry-Eyed Encounter Pt 1

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Sly Cooper (narrating): Another Clockwerk part had surfaced in India, so the boys and I loaded up the van and zeroed in on our next target: a mysterious spice lord known as Rajan. A self-made man who grew up poor on the streets of Calcutta, he started his life of crime selling illegal spices in the black market, eventually growing his small outfit into a sizable operation and earning himself a seat in the prestigious Klaww Gang. He's since crowned himself "Lord of the Hills," and while he goes to great lengths to convince others of his royalty, it's mostly to convince himself. True to form, he's holding a lavish ball in his newly-purchased "ancestral palace". The reason? To show off his latest acquisition: the Clockwerk wings. The symbol of my enemy. If you saw the wings silhouetted against the night sky, it was already too late for you, especially if your name was Cooper. Rajan believes displaying the wings will bring him prestige, and maybe they will, but they're also bringing me and the gang.

After setting a Safehouse outside of the Ancestral Palace, Y/N and Sly head out for reconnaissance work. The two work their way into palace with Sonar hidden in Y/N's hair. Once inside, Sly and Y/N reach to the interior of the palace. There they reach to a balcony which overlooks the entire party. The two thieves take out their binocucoms and take recon photos.

Bentley (binocucom): Easy does it, Sly. Just don't go out onto the balcony, and you should remain undetected.

(Upon photographing Rajan.)

Bentley (binocucom): That's him. Rajan's really pulled out all the stops to impress people with this party.

(Upon photographing the first Clockwerk wing.)

Bentley (binocucom): Looks like the wings have been welded on to that statue.

(Upon photographing the second Clockwerk wing.)

Bentley (binocucom): They look heavy. Getting the wings out of here will be a real challenge.

(Upon photographing the electronic winch.)

Bentley (binocucom): An electronic winch. That could be useful.

(After taking the first set of photographs.)

Bentley (binocucom): Maybe you should get some shots of the guests.

(Upon photographing Jean Bison.)

Bentley (binocucom): Jean Bison, a member of the Klaww Gang and Canadian shipping baron. He owns half the trains in Canada.

(Upon photographing Arpeggio.)

Bentley (binocucom): Another Klaww Gang member. Arpeggio specializes in exotic technology.

(Upon photographing the Contessa.)

Bentley (binocucom): That's the Contessa, a high-ranking prison warden for Interpol. She must be working undercover to expose Rajan's spice ring.

(Upon photographing Carmelita Fox.)

Bentley (binocucom): Carmelita's here too. She must be working undercover with the Contessa to help bust Rajan.

Y/N was bedazzled to see Neyla in beautiful outfit for the party.

Y/N: God, she's pretty.

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