5 Sunset Snake Eyes

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Sly Cooper (narrating): It had been a while since I'd been back in the U.S. Next up, the notorious Muggshot, ruthless muscle of the Fiendish Five. What he lacked in brains, he definitely made up for in brawn. Turns out he wasn't always that way. He grew up as the runt of the litter, the neighborhood weakling. The only friends he could turn to were usually found on the big screen. It was there that he spotted his first gangster, and he knew instantly that's what he wanted to be. He spent the rest of his youth working real hard to get there, fueled on his dreams of great power and respect. With enough perspiration, he realized that dream. He'd become a hard-boiled, street brawling, tough-as-nails gangster, ensuring that he'd never be picked on or pushed around again. So he's holed up in Mesa City, huh? I've always wanted to go to that thriving American boomtown.

A Rocky Start

Bentley (binocucom): Hey, Sly! I thought you said Mesa City was going to be loud and busy. This looks more like a ghost town!

Sly Cooper: Something's happened. Where is everyone?

Bentley (binocucom): I don't know, but it's starting to give me the creeps. What do you say we take off?

Sly Cooper: And miss all the fun? Besides, I want to try out that new move I got from Raleigh's section of the Thievius Raccoonus.

Bentley (binocucom): You mean the Ninja Spire Jump?

Sly Cooper: Yeah. Do me a favor and read me the instructions again...

Bentley (binocucom): To landeth safely upon diminutive points, leapeth lively and presseth the triggering device with the round geometrical object emblazoned upon it.

Sly Cooper: So "jump and hit the circle button to land on narrow spots".

Bentley (binocucom): That's a rough translation.

Y/N and Sly nod at each other before doing seperate jobs for this location. Y/N was looking around with his binocucoms when he sees Murray in the Cooper Van getting ready for a race against four pimp cars including a police car by a hot dog stand. (A/N: Also there was an image on the face of the hotdog. Can someone identify it?)

Y/N: Murray, what's going on down there?

Murray (binocucom): Well, I drove to this hotdog stand for a quick snack and the next thing you know I'm getting challenged to a race by these gangster dogs!

Y/N: Is there a key in it for the winner?

Murray (binocucom): Yeah, three times around the track for a key.

Y/N: It's all you man. Drive the van with the left analog stick, and if you manage to pick up any nitro power-ups, you can get a boost by pressing the square button. Go get 'em!

Murray (binocucom): I'm on it!

Murray races around the track while Y/N observes him by binoculcoms. He then notices one of the drivers with a shotgun preparing to shoot Murray. Y/N quickly pulls and arrow and inserts an EMP arrow. He aims carefully as he sees the cop car next to Murray before firing the arrow. The EMP arrow manages to strike the hood of the cop car and it goes out of control, off track. It rolls before coming to a stop. Murray was shocked to see what happened.

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