14 The Predator Awakes P2

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Y/N and Sly have to find a way to Rajan's temple.

???: Trouble of finding a way in?

The two look to see none other than Wolfgang who is sitting on a tree branch, eating a fruit.

Sly: Detective Wolfgang, see you here. Thanks for not rating us out back at the ballroom.

Wolfgang: Ya. You zu have zeen the look of Carmelita'z face. Now listen you two, I will lead you to a secret place and you better not informed anyone. Especially Neyla.

Y/N: Where is she by the way?

Wolfgang jumps down and lands near them.

Wolfgang: She's been call to investigate the spice traffic. Anyway, follow me but stay alert. Rajan has guards everywhere.

The detective leads both Sly and Y/N through the jungle. He pulls out an electric baton and zaps guards out of the way. He reaches to a tunnel which leads to Rajan's temple.

Wolfgang: And presto we are here. Looks like this is far as I can lead you, Cooper.

Sly: Thanks for the help.

Wolfgang: No mention it.... friend.

With that he leaps away, allowing Sly to enter the temple. Y/N meanwhile climbs up a tree and takes out his binocucom to search around. He then hears an explosion from in the temple.

Rajan (intercom): What's going on down there? It looks like spice production has fallen behind. Wait, it's completely stopped!

Y/N: Yes. We have completly ruin Rajan's spice operation for good.

Sly Cooper (binocucom): Rajan's holed up in his temple. Got any ideas to force him out of hiding?

Bentley: My research indicates that tigers have an aversion to water. By destroying that dam, the temple will be filled with the runoff.

Sly Cooper (binocucom): Flooding him out huh? Good plan, but I don't think your bombs are strong enough to do the job.

Bentley: You're correct. Fortunately while monitoring the bug in Rajan's office, I overheard that a new auto-pilot attack helicopter had just arrived... it's sitting inside this truck.

Sly Cooper (binocucom): Stay sharp, that dam is sure to be well-protected.

Bentley goes to the truck and breaks it open, revealing the helicopter

Bentley goes to the truck and breaks it open, revealing the helicopter

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