3 The Thief and the Archer

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14 years later

[Paris, France]

In the evening in the French capital city, two mysterious figures are running through rooftops before approaching to the edge. Across the street was Le Police station. The two figures leap on the sign before reaching to the roof. They are none other then Sly Cooper and Y/N Bowman. As young adults, the two will one day take down the Fiendish Five who murdered both of their parents. Sly is willing to reclaim the legendary book called the Thevious Raccoonous.

Sly is equipped with the Cooper Can, signature of the Cooper Clan. Y/N is armed with his father's bow. He wears gear where the Robin Hood Clan wears as vigilantes. On his shoulder was Sonar who accompanied him. Y/N is also equipped with a binocucom like Sly.

Bentley (binocucom): Sly, come in! Sly, do you read me?!

Sly Cooper: Yeah. I read you. Loud and... very loud.

Y/N: Geeze, Bentley. You're hollering!

Bentley (binocucom): Sorry, I'm a little nervous. Trying to break into Police Headquarters does that.

Sly Cooper: Get over it, Bentley. You're safe in the van. I'm the thief here — I've got to steal that file from Inspector Carmelita Fox.

Bentley (binocucom): Well, count on me to be your eyes and ears, fellas. Got their security system totally scoped. To get inside, you're gonna have to go through that air vent.

Sly Cooper: Alright, I'm going in.

Murray (binocucom): And don't forget you've got me at the wheel, Sly and Y/N. All you gotta do is grab the file and get back to the van. We'll do the rest.

Sly Cooper: Just keep that engine running, Murray. We'll be down in no time.

Y/N: Sonar, take to the skies and keep and eye out for trouble.

Sonar squeaks before taking to the air. Sly and Y/N crawl through the vent towards the police station. After bypassing through laser security, the duo reach to the door leading to Carmelita's office.

Y/N: This feels too easy. We should try the window.

Sly and Y/N managed to sneak in the office before reaching the safe.

Bentley (binocucom): Way to go, Sly. This is where Inspector Carmelita Fox stashes all her important files. I hacked into the police security mainframe and discovered this vault's combo. Try dialing in 9-3-7.

(Upon opening the safe. Sly picks up the police files.

Murray (binocucom): Nice job — you got it! If you come down through the fire escape and head through the parking lot, we'll be waiting in the getaway van.

The two escape the office before they meet face to face with the famous cop, Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox.

The two escape the office before they meet face to face with the famous cop, Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox

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Carmelita: You foolish raccoon! I've caught the both of you red-handed!

Sly: Ahh... Carmelita. I haven't seen you since I gave you the slip in Bombay.

Carmelita Fox: Which reminds me — you need to return the Fire Stone of India to its rightful owners.

Y/N: I'm afraid that's not going to happen, Carmelita. The prime minister is corrupted with his drug smuggling operations.

Sly: Aw, and I was going to give it to you as a little token of my — hey, you know that bazooka really brings out the color of your eyes. Very fetching!

Carmelita: You think? This pistol packs a paralyzing punch. You ought to try it. Might snap you out of your crime spree.

Sly: And give up our little rendezvous?

Carmelita Fox: Plenty of time for that once you're safely behind bars.

Sly: Love to stick around and chat, but I just dropped by to pick up this case file. I think you've had it long enough.

Y/N: Besides, we have a group of murderers to take down. Sonar, now!

Sonar lands on top Carmelita's shock pistol.

Carmelita: Hey! Get off!

The police woman shakes the bat off allowing Sly and Y/N to make a run for it. She sees them before opening fire. Y/N uses his parkour skills to climb down the fire escape along with Sly. Then they reach to the parking lot before seeing Carmelita's police cruiser. The two reach to the van before Y/N pulls his bow out, pulls an arrow, and fires it at the tire of the cop car, flattening it. Sonar quickly flies in the back of the van as the doors closed.

Sly: Nice shooting, Y/N.

Carmelita was about to go after the Cooper Van but sees the tire of her car flat.

Carmelita: You can't escape me, raccoon! Especially you, Bowman!

The gang has escape the law once more.

Sly Cooper (narrating): Once again, my gang and I had given Inspector Carmelita Fox the slip. I was surprised to see how well she took . Finally, the secret police file I'd been searching for all these years. With this, I could avenge my family and regain possession of our most valued treasure.

Sly Cooper: It all began when I was just a kid, bouncing on my father's knee. You see, I come from a long line of master thieves, who kept all their secrets of sneaking and stealing in an ancient book: the Thievius Raccoonus. Anyone who read it learned to be especially sneaky, which is why we specialize in stealing from criminals. After all, there's no honor, no challenge, no fun stealing from ordinary people. You rip off a master criminal, and you know you're a master thief.

Sly Cooper (narrating): Well, on the night I was supposed to inherit the book, five visitors came unannounced to our door. My father fought to protect us, but the gang of villains known as the Fiendish Five overpowered him and ransacked our house until they found... the Thievius Raccoonus! Our family's manual of thieving greatness fell into their filthy hands. They tore the book into five pieces and split it up, each villain disappearing to the farthest corners of the world to commit dastardly crimes.

Sly Cooper (narrating): Broke and alone, I was dumped at the town orphanage. There, I met two guys who became my lifelong buddies and trusted crew. Bentley, techno-genius and strategist supreme, and Murray, part-time driver and full-time burden.
Not too mention we become friends with Y/N who also had a tragic past. With his archery skills and his pet bat, Sonar,  together, we pledged to track down the Fiendish Five, avenge my father and steal back the Thievius Raccoonus. I knew I was about to face the toughest test of my life. On this mission, I would either become a master thief like my ancestors before me, or fail and allow my family name to bite the dust.

A/N: should I do the first Sly Cooper or skip to the battle against Clockwork?

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