32. An Opera of Fear III

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Bentley: With Octavio's comeback opera recital just a few hours away, we're all set up for the main event. Get ready for Operation: Tar-Be Gone! Our objective: Get Murray back on the team. Sly, you'll start things off by using your disguise to sneak into the opera house. Make your way to the pump room, and let me, Y/N and Neyla in through the side entrance. Thanks to the blueprints we stole, I now know just where to bomb to cripple the machinery. Then we'll go for Octavio's detonation switch. I'm sure you'd agree that we just can't leave a weapon that powerful in the hands of such a madman. So I'll distract the old mobster with an opera duel. He's sure not to attack while we're both on stage. Meanwhile, you'll cut the lines to the chandelier and drop it on his head! I'll swipe the switch and we'll both find Murray. By then, the black water is sure to be running clear, and he'll be free to come with us.

Operation: Tar-be-Gone

The time has come to end Don Octavio's scheme once and for all. Y/N, Sonar, Sly, and Neyla prepare to strike a cripple blow against the Don.

Bentley (binocucom): This is it. Octavio is due to arrive for the opera recital in just a few minutes.

Sly Cooper: We did a good job taking out the advertising... no one's shown up to listen. No audience means no demolition demonstration.

Bentley (binocucom): True. But to finish the job, we'll need to take out the main tar vacuum. Use your disguise to gain entry to the opera house, then head down to the pump room and let me. Y/N, Sonar, and Neyla in through the side door.

Sly: (Italian accent) No problem, Signore!

After Sly sneaks in the Opera House in disguise, he reaches to the Pump Room

Bentley: Psst, Sly! Sly! Over pal.

Y/N: There you are, Cooper.

Sly comes out of his disguise and lets in Bentley, Y/N, Sonar, and Neyla.

Sly Cooper: Nice to see you, pals.

Bentley: Okay, we need to act quickly while the recital is getting underway.

Sly Cooper: You ready with the bombs?

Bentley: Once I've destroyed all six tar pipes, the vacuum should start to lose suction.

Sly Cooper: Look, if those bombs attract any guards, let us do the fighting... you just focus on taking out the tar pipes. We need to stay on schedule.

Y/N: I got your back, Bentley. Good thing I'm equipped with explosive tip arrows.

He fires one at the first tar pipe and it detonates on impact, destroying the first one. The explosion also attracts guards.

Sly Cooper: We've got company. Just stay on those tar pipes. This could get hairy.

Neyla: I'll keep you cover, love!

As Sly and Neyla go and deal with the guards, Y/N and Bentley focus on taking out the pipes. Neyla whacks the guards with her new Tonfas. Bentley destroys the second and Y/N destroys the third one.

Sly Cooper: This is getting serious! Better hurry it up with those pipes!

Y/N: We're halfway there!

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