29 The Beginning of the End

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[Kaine Island South Pacific Ocean 1:15 am]

In the dead of night and in the storm, the island has been turned into a one vast fortress. However, sneaking to the outer area were three figures. They sneak past or knock out guards who were in on patrol. The trio emerge showing none other than

Sly Cooper the Thief

Y/N Bowman the Archer

Neyla ex-cop & the Archer's girlfriend.

The trio reach to a hill and they see the fortress. On the top was the Cooper Vault which is being drilled by heavy machinery. They contact Bentley.

Bentley (binocucom): This is it, fellas. The team's assembled and are in position to help you get up to that vault. For the rest of the operation, you are "the pitcher , the batter, and the catcher or the Baseball Trio."

Sly Cooper: Roger, Bentley. We're starting oir approach. Getting over these fortress walls shouldn't be a problem. Look, we're running five by five here, make sure everyone's in sync.

Bentley (binocucom): I hear that. Artillery, sure you can make that shot?

Artillery/Agent Monarch (binocucom): I endeavor not to miss.

Bentley (binocucom): Excellent. Radio Control?

Radio Control/Agent Heartthrob (binocucom): In position.

Bentley (binocucom): Recovery Team?

Recovery Team (binocucom): I'm pumped!

Bentley (binocucom): Submersibles?

Submersibles/Agent Deep Six (binocucom): Showtime, baby!

Bentley (binocucom): Telekinetics?

Telekinetics/Agent Old Rock (binocucom): (speaks Aboriginal)

Bentley (binocucom): Alright, it's the crime of the century and "the trio" in motion!

Y/N: Let's go.

Nelya: Lead the way.

The trio make their way over fortress walls

Bentley (binocucom): The ball has stopped rolling. We've got an obstruction.

From the skies, an RC chopper flies in with a tow cable and hook.

Agent Heartthrob (binocucom): I'm on it. (pulling the guards off the pillars) First is away. Second guy is pulled. Third's skyward. Move on, player, over.

Y/N: Copy that, Radio Control. Moving in. Batter, out.

The three thieves then approaches the next platform.

Bentley (binocucom): Agent Old Rock, prep for timber.

Agent Old Rock (binocucom): (speaks Aboriginal)

Bentley (binocucom): Let her rip, Old Rock... players in position.

Agent Old Rock (binocucom): (speaks Aboriginal)

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