41 A Cold Alliance III

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So with the alliance of the Panda King, the gang had taken out hopping vampires and destroy their crypt. With those gone the streets are clear for the next jobs. Murray had tried to connect to phone line to General Tsao, but it was a trap and he was saved by Penelope. The Cooper had manage to retrieve a new battery for the Team Van, but it runs dead. So with the help of Carmelita's shock pistol and her pursuit of Sly, the battery is fully charged. Now it is time to save Jing King.

Bentley: Time to free Jing King, rob General Tsao blind, and send him up the river! I call it "Operation: Wedding Crasher." This will be a multi-pronged job, with two groups working simultaneously. I'm sure I don't need to stress the importance of the schedule to anyone. First, Sly, Y/N, Neyla, Penelope and Murray will make their way past all the security in Tsao's Treasure Temple and then drop the goods off to me for loading into the van. Meanwhile, the Panda King, Neyla, and Guru will tunnel beneath the palace, creating an escape route for Jing King. Sly, you and Y/N have to pull double duty, taking care of any topside security designed to detect subterranean assaults. Once you guys are done, I'll use my Grapple-Cam to lure Inspector Fox into the palace, where we'll try to get her to take Jing King's place! Then, with the girl and loot in hand, we run for it!

Operation Wedding Crasher is a go.

Sly Cooper: I'm in green light position, let's get a roll call.

Bentley: Ready!

Penelope: In position.

Y/N: Standing by!

Neyla: Ready!

Murray: I'm pumped!

The Guru: (speaks Aboriginal)

Panda King: I too stand ready. Even if we fail, it will have been an honorable effort. Jing King is not forgotten.

Sly Cooper: Alright everyone, let's go!

Y/N: Time for a good old fashioned runaway bride.

Sly, Penelope, and Murray made their way for the palace.

Bentley (binocucom): Penelope and Murray are relying on your second-story work to be let in. They should be in position by the front door.

(Sly lets Penelope and Murray inside.)

Penelope: Opening the door for a lady, and some say chivalry is dead.

Sly Cooper: I try to show my "proper respect." You guys going to be okay in here? The security is tight.

Penelope: Yeah, we're fine. You'll need to get moving if you're going to make your rendezvous with the Panda King and the Guru.

Sly Cooper: Always a slave to the schedule, that's me.

Y/N: I'm near your position, Cooper. You're going to need some back up on this one.

Bentley (binocucom): The Panda King and the Guru are in position beneath the palace. Once you're inside, they'll start blasting.

(Sly and Y/N make it to the front door of the palace.)

Sly Cooper: Might as well do it with style.

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