23 Menace from the North, eh! I

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Y/N: (narrating): Things just weren't right up in Canada. Random acts of violence were popping up like weeds and the northern lights, well, they just weren't right. One night, they'd be brighter than ever and the next, gone. In Nunavut Bay, I overheard talk between Jean Bison and his mysterious partner Arpeggio. Somehow, those two are behind it all. Tracking the source of the disturbance was easy. By simply following the lights we were lead north to an immense lumber camp. The sheer number of fallen trees advertise Jean Bison's presence and that he was in possession of the Clockwerk talons. The same talons that killed my parents. The Thievius Raccoonus makes numerous references to the talons slicing through plates of steel. More powerful then Titanium. A skilled lumberjack like Bison can clear a forest in hours while wielding the artifacts. Those talons have got to go, both to finally do away with Clockwerk and to save the environment from his twisted sense of progress. The world just doesn't need to make space for another strip mall.

Sly Cooper and the Gang in...

Menace From the North, eh!

After reaching to Jean Bison's lumber camp, the Cooper Gang prepares to retrieve the Clockwerk Talons. Y/N, Sly, and Neyla are outside for the recon.

Bentley (binocucom): Okay, so here's what we know. One, Arpeggio's blimp is on its way to pick up a battery from Jean Bison. And two, the only way we'll get a crack at Arpeggio's Clockwerk brain is by finding a way to sneak aboard his blimp.

Sly Cooper: But before we do that, we'll need to snag the Clockwerk talons off Jean Bison. Time is short and we've got a lot to accomplish.

Bentley (binocucom): True, true... but first things first, this lumber camp isn't on any of my maps. I need you to poke around and take some recon photos, they'll help to get my sensors oriented.

Sly Cooper: No problem. Recon photos I got covered.

Bentley (binocucom): In anticipation of the icy climate, I took the liberty of modifying your cane. It can now separate into two smaller canes... useful for ice climbing. Try ascending to the top of that sheet of ice, just jump and dig in.

While Sly ice climbs, Y/N and Neyla move downward. They meet up and they start taking recon photos.

Y/N takes a photograph of the sawmill blades.

Bentley (binocucom): Those sawblades look particularly old. I guess this logging camp has been around for a while.

(Meanwhile, Neyla reaches to the coast and takes a photograph of the boat.)

Bentley (binocucom): Fascinating. My sensors detect a wi-fi link to that boat. It must be piloted by computer.

(Sly Cooper takes a photograph of Jean Bison's house.)

Bentley (binocucom): Jean Bison's house. The lair of the beast, the den of evil, the epicenter of ecological destruction.

(After taking a photograph of a local bear.)

Bentley (binocucom): This place is bear country alright. Interesting, he's putting out a slight radio signature.

(After taking all photographs outside.)

Bentley (binocucom): Okay, that should do it. Now for the real point of interest. Head for that lighthouse and try to find a way to sneak in.

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