7 Fire in the Sky

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Sly Cooper (narrating): The road trip gave me the time I needed to study up on the Panda King. Born penniless, he was fascinated by the fireworks rich noblemen set off every New Years. He spent a decade learning the art, but when he tried to offer his fireworks to the noblemen, they couldn't see past his shabby clothes and chased him away. Humiliated, the Panda King took revenge on those who shunned him by using the very tools of his art for crime. The Fiendish Five recruited him as their demolitions expert, and from then on, his explosive touch became feared worldwide. He's rumored to be perfecting some new firework technique high in the unstable Kunlun Mountains of western China.

Before reaching towards the Kunklun Mountains, Y/N changes the color to snow white to blend in with the surrounding areas. Once arrived, Y/N and Sly reach to a small mountain before taking out their binocucoms.

Bentley (binocucom): Would you look at that? A fireworks show!

A firework is launched before striking the side of a moutain, causing an avalanche. The snow falls into a small village, completly burrying it, horrifying Sly and Y/N.

Bentley: Oh my gosh, that's awful! That poor village just got buried in freezing snow!

Sly Cooper: The rocket came from that giant statue, and you can bet the Panda King lit the fuse. We've got to find my way up there and fast before that lunatic squashes another town.

Y/N: I remember my first time seeing an avalanche close by. I was lucky my dad pull me away.

Sonar takes to the skies to look out for any signs of trouble. Y/N and Sly know what to do and split up to collect the treasure keys and the Thievius Raccoonous pages. Sly had collected another page when he runs into Carmelita.

Carmelita Fox: Freeze, raccoon!

Sly Cooper: How can I freeze when my heart warms at the very sight of you?

Carmelita Fox: Shut up, ringtail! I don't know what you're doing here in China, but I'm sure it can't be good for whoever owns this place.

Sly Cooper: You must only have eyes for me if you're too blind to see what's going on around here.

Carmelita Fox: All I see is a pathetic thief who's escaped justice for far too long.

Sly Cooper: I'm proud to be a thief, especially when I'm stealing from a vicious extortionist like the Panda King. Open your eyes, "Detective" - these quaint temples are a front for an illegal explosives factory.

Carmelita Fox: Don't try to confuse the issue. You criminals are all the same and none of you can escape justice.

Sly makes a run for it with Carmelita chasing him. Y/N sees and hears the whole conversation from his binocucoms.

Y/N: I agree with Sly. Carmelita needs to open her eyes to see the truth on why we are doing this. The Fiendish Five are a threat we are the only one who can stop them. (Whispers) Dumb bastards.

Sly manages to escape from the inspector once more from on top of a dragon statue.

Carmelita Fox: Watch your back, Cooper! When you least expect it, I'll be there!

Carmelita manages to survive the collapse of the dragon statue. Sly and Y/N had collected all of the keys before making their way to the top of the giant Panda King statue to confront the demolition expert.

Panda King: I see you carry the cane of the notorious Cooper thief clan. Have you come here for revenge? To steal back the Thievius Raccoonus?

Sly Cooper: That was our plan at first, but now I'm more interested in putting an end to your avalanche extortion racket.

Panda King: Why should you care if I bury a few worthless village in snow? You are thieves just like me.

Sly Cooper: No, that's only half right. I am a thief, from a long line of master thieves. While you... you're just a frustrated firework artist turned homicidal pyromaniac.

Panda King: Insolent children! You shall pay dearly for your disrespect. Still, to honor your Cooper ancestry and the Robin Hood clan, I will send you to your doom with the beauty of my new firework technique... Flame-Fu!

Y/N switches to his staff for close combat. The Panda King uses his technique to combat the thieves. Y/N leaps over and slams his staff on the head of the panda. Sly whacks his cane before being pushed back by the Panda King. Y/N stands his ground before dealing the final blow, knocking him to the ground.

Panda King: Your skills with that cane and staff are unparalleled. (coughs) Aaahhh!

Bentley (binocucom): Sly! I did a cross-analysis of the metal used in that high tech blasting vehicle and it turns out it can only be found in one place - the Krakarov Volcano in Russia. That's got to be where we'll find the fifth member of the Fiendish Five. So get what you came for and let's get out here!

Y/N: That four, the leader is the last man standing. He's going to give us one hell of a fight.

Sly: He is the one who orchestrated the attack and stole the pages of the book. And the one who murdered our parents.

Y/N: Then we shall sent him his grave. He's gonna be sorry for messing with us. Let's go.

Sly Cooper (narrating): Retrieving the Panda King's section of the Thievius Raccoonus gave me a chance to learn about my technically-minded ancestor Otto van Cooper. Not known for his physical dexterity, Otto relied on vehicles to aid him in his criminal endeavors. Armed with his designs, I was sure Murray would be able to make some cool modifications to the team van.

Sly Cooper (narrating): A frustrated Inspector Fox, having missed me and Y/N coming down the mountain, threw the Panda King in jail, thus putting an end to his avalanche protection services and ensuring the safety of mountain villages throughout China. My gang and I took a little time off and did some shopping in Hong Kong. Thoroughly relaxed, we headed home to plan our last move.

The final part of the first Sly is next and on to Sly 2. Give me some ideas for the final battle.

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