37 Flight of Fancy II

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It is time for some sabotage jobs. Neyla is on the roof, speaking with Bentley.

Bentley (binocucom): Alright, see that armored supply truck? It's en route to drop off Team Iceland's lucky ice sculpture for the semifinals tomorrow. I've given the driver some bad directions, so they should be going around in circles for hours. We need you to get inside that truck, steal the sculpture, and plant some evidence implicating Team Belgium.

Neyla: Good thinking, Team Iceland won't be gunning for me, my beloved Y/N, or Sly if they think the Belgians stole their lucky hunk of ice.

Bentley (binocucom): That's the idea, Neyla. Now, the first thing to do is steal one of Team Belgium's official gold lace monogrammed handkerchiefs. Y/N will head inside and get one of those stodgy Belgians laughing. They're notoriously stone faced, then I'll move in and steal the handkerchief.

Neyla: You know. Seems like getting inside that truck may be a good job for the Guru... He could use some of the guards' heads to bash in the back doors.

Bentley (binocucom): Agreed, I'll make sure he's in position.

Neyla: Put me through to Y/N.

It switches to Y/N.

Neyla: Okay, love. Bentley is heading for the hotel. You should get there and get one of the pilots laughing.

Y/N: On it.

Y/N heads inside to find a Belgian pilot.

(Inside hotel)

Neyla (binocucom): Okay, Y/N, no pressure, but you've got to find a Team Belgium pilot and get him laughing so hard that Bentley can make the pull. This is serious business, love. Those guys are uptight. If they notice being robbed, we'll be kicked out of the ACES competition.

Y/N: Okay. Let's do this.

He goes to one of the Belgians with a no happy expression look.


Y/N: Hey there, Belgian pilot

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Y/N: Hey there, Belgian pilot. Do you enjoy comedy?

Belgian: ....

Y/N: Do you know Lucas Bo?

The Belgian pilot still remains silent.

Y/N: Then I got a few jokes I've remembered that you will laugh.

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