40: A Cold Alliance II

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The Cooper Gang started to make their move to save Jing King from Tsao. Y/N sends Sonar to go with Bentley to infiltrate General Tsao's place.

Sly Cooper (binocucom): This is it, General Tsao's palace. If we're going to get at the Panda King's daughter we'll need an inside track on the wedding.

Bentley: I'm ready with my costume, with some luck he'll hire me on as the wedding coordinator.

Sly Cooper (binocucom): Great, if you get a chance try to score the rest of us some jobs as well. You can't have enough operatives on the inside.

(Sonar flies and stays hidden. Meanwhile Bentley enters General Tsao's palace, wearing the disguise.)

General Tsao: No, you can't come out yet my blossom.

Jing King: But please, my father will be so worried. Just let me tell him I'm alright. I beg of you, Tsao, let me out of this prison! Is this the way you woo your wife? You have shown me nothing but cruelty. I am so unhappy! (cries)

Sonar hears the daughter crying and chirps silently. He observes as Bentley approaches General Tsao. From the Safehouse, Y/N heard the conversation and growls in anger.

Y/N: I'm gonna rip off his beak and use it as a sharpener for my arrows.

Bentley: Greetings, honorable General Tsao. I have heard of your impending marriage and have respectfully come before you to offer my services as wedding coordinator.

General Tsao: How insulting. I need no "help."

Bentley: My apologies. I mean no disrespect.

General Tsao: Given my genius, I am of course completely capable of organizing the event. However, I might be interested in employing a photographer. A day of such momentous import should be captured for future generations to marvel at.

Bentley: I have one of the world's best photographers on retainer.

General Tsao: Really? Well... If he truly is world-class, then he might get the honor of chronicling the event. However, I'll need to see some samples before I give him the job.

Bentley: Of course. I'll have him come by right away.

General Tsao: You'd better not be wasting my time, wedding planner. I get very, very uncharitable when people waste my time.

(Bentley leaves the palace.)

Bentley (binocucom): Okay Sly, General Tsao wants some samples of your work. I've placed waypoints in areas with good photographic potential. Approach the guards while in costume and they'll probably pose for you. Good luck pal.

So Sly puts a new disguise which he is now a professional photographer.

(Approaching first set of guards)

Sly Cooper: Listen up meatheads! General Tsao wants some pictures of his staff... so big smiles all around, or else.

(After taking first photo.)

Bentley (binocucom): Great shot, but you'll need a few more before talking with General Tsao.

(Approaching second set of guards)

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