43 Deadman Tells no Tales II

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The next day, the team approached the ship now named Legacy

Bentley: Once we raise the sails and get underway, it won't be long before someone on shore raises an alarm.

Murray: No problem. We wasted that harbor patrol, the coast is clear!

Bentley: You guys did a great job, but they still have cannons mounted up in Skull Keep. I figure it's long odds they get gun crews into position before we're out of range, but it's worth mentioning.

Sly Cooper: Then let's make full sail for the mouth of the harbor. If you guys are ready, I say we do it now. Every second we dilly-dally just puts us at more risk.

Bentley: Agreed.

The group board the ship.

Sly: Bentley, Penelope, you're the navigator. Murray, you'll steer the ship.

Murray: Got it!

Sly: Panda King, your in charge of the cannons.

Panda King: It will be done.

Sly: Neyla, you're our lookout.

Neyla: Gladly, Cooper.

She goes and climbs up the ropes towards the Crows Nest. As she climbs up, Y/N looks up and sees Neyla's butt and tail.

Y/N: Man what is wrong with me? I can't stop looking at Neyla's body.

Bentley: Hey, Y/N you should assist Sly with raising the sails. We should set sail immediately.

The gang gets to work on the Legacy. With the anchor raised, the ship sets sail.

Y/N: Yo-ho-ho! We sail for Dagger Island!

The Legacy manages to slip out of Blood Bath Bay and on to open water.

[Eye catching view of Y/N and Neyla doing the I'm Flying scene from Titanic]

The Legacy sails out as Sly and others are on deck. Neyla is up at the Crows Nest looking out for Dagger Island.

Y/N: Neyla, what's happening up there?

Neyla: We're clear, Bowman.

Y/N: Well come on down, cutie.

Neyla smirks before climbing down on deck to join the others.

Y/N: How long till we reach Dagger Island?

Bentley: Well according to my calculations, we should reach the island with a day's sail.

Sly: So what we should do to past the time?

Y/N: We should get to know each other.

Penelope: So, Neyla, how did you became part of the gang?

Neyla: Well, dear, I was part of the law with Old Ironsides and Wolfgang for a while. That's is when one night at the museum in Cairo, I've set my eyes on him.

An Archer's Tale (Constable Neyla x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora