Chapter 43

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Masters of Crafts and Blessed with Earth Attributes

"Please, don't hurt my family. If you want my life I will give it to you."

Reinan said while groaning in pain. The man stopped from tormenting his body with an unknown magic and gave him a cold gaze.

"I don't need your life."

"Then what do you need from us!"

The man grinned and uttered the words that sent chills all over his body.

"The South, did my answer satisfy you little lad?"

Grandfather, father, Hestia.. 

'Please don't come! The South, no, the Empire will be in danger!'

Reinan glared at the man who suddenly laughed. He was wearing a black cloak which is different from the individuals who abducted him and a mask that only covered the upper part of his face.

"Since you're gonna die anyway, I'll give you the opportunity to witness the fall of the man you admire greatly."


"It is our great pleasure to meet the mistress."

In front me are the ancient creatures called Dwarves. They are blessed by the Earth and known for their strength and crafts. Although, their height is smaller than other creatures, they shouldn't be taken lightly. According to Ethernetus, they can take down a dragon using their strength.

"My name is Lavender Bruella, it's nice to meet you."

"I apologize if our King wasn't able to greet you, he is currently in a state where he cannot step outside his chamber."


"I believe it is best for the mistress to see him for yourself and judge his condition. Let me lead you the way to the palace."

Kirsten nodded and walked behind the dwarf that has the same height like her. The name of the dwarf is Melefus, the right hand of the King. Dwarves has bulky bodies they are passionate on crafting weapons. Every dwarf that I see has weapons attached in their bodies and as someone who also creates weapons, Kirsten can tell that each of those can be considered as heirloom or even a legendary weapon.

Few minutes have passed and they finally reached the palace. 

"Interesting, did you carved a large rock and made it a palace?"

"That is right mistress. We don't want to waste materials such as wood and precious stones because we know that our resources is limited. So, we used every materials in this place wisely."

"I see."

Melefus led the way towards the King's chamber. They passed through many hallways and secret passages, Kirsten couldn't help but be amazed of how meticulous the sculptures, statues and decorations from the wall and pillars of the palace. They are truly masters of crafts.

'They are perfect workers for my big projects.'

Kirsten grinned at her thoughts, while Melefus suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He gazed at his back and all he can see was their beautiful and angel-like mistress smiling kindly at him.

"What's the problem Melefus?"

"N-Nothing milady."

Melefus wiped the sweat on his forehead and continued. Not long after, they finally reached the King's chamber. 

He slowly opened the door and her eyes immediately lands on an old, large, and bulky man laying in the bed.

They walked inside and stood at the right side of the bed. Sunken eyes, pale and dry lips, and bruises were all over his body. And seeing his overall condition, she can tell that the King is dying.

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