Chapter 33

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You're crazy



The table was split into two when Count Bruella slammed it as soon he heard the news about Lavender. His fist was shaking and his face was painted with red in anger.

The knight who reported the situation was shaking in fear seeing the furious expression of his lord. He never once saw him in this expression nor acted like this. They were already aware how the Count favored the young lady so they were already expecting that he would react like this.

"T-The palace has s-sent us a mage and p-prepared a portal  for you m-milord."

Count Bruella was gritting his teeth in anger with no signs of calming down. He looks like a bomb that is going to explode.

"Inform the Countess the current situation. Increase the level of security around the manor and the all the city. Where is the portal."

"Y-Yes sir! The portal was in the garde- ek!"

The knight wasn't able to finish his sentence when the Count quickly get out from the room like a wind.

Count Bruella arrived in the garden and saw a royal mage and a portal.


The Count ignored all of them and step into the portal without thinking twice. Everyone who got passed by the Count felt a chill on their back and got goosebumps all over their body.

When Count Bruella arrived in the Palace his steps became longer and faster. He suddenly remembered what Lavender told her before she left for the party.

"Dad, I'm going to do something in the party and whatever happens just trust me okay?"

She said with a playful smile.

"Just don't let yourself be killed."

She didn't respond and just laughed.

"I should have known that she won't handle everything normally. That crazy brat."

Whatever her daughter was planning, he is certain that she won't sacrifice her life that easily. Even if she always acted kind, innocent and sweet but he knows very well how selfish and greedy she is. Just like him.

But he can't help but still worry for her safety. Seeing that she has already made her move that means she already made up a plan to hunt their enemies down.

'I don't know if I would be proud or worry because of her recklessness.'

"T-This way Count."

The maid Celine guided the Count towards the room where Kirsten was without making any eye nor skin contact with him. His aura was already like piercing through her skin and it is enough for her to know how dangerous he is right now.

She was the one who serve the young lady few months ago and she has formed a strong affection towards the lady in a short period of time. That's why she can understand how the Count is feeling at the moment. He must have been very worried for her daughter's life. She heard from the priest that she's beyond saving.

The poison they detected from the young lady is something that is unknown to the priest so they can only give her a little remedy just to ease the pain that she was feeling.

Count Bruella entered the room where Celine guided her and there he saw the pale face of her daughter and the blood in her dress that were still wet.

But a frown formed in his face when he saw someone standing beside the bed and was holding his daughter's right hand.

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