Chapter 10

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Breaking one's limits

"Concentrate! We have to hang on until dawn. Sir Airon and the Count are on their way here."

"Yes sir!"

A total of thirty knights are fighting the three headed monster called Cerberus outside the wall that protects the citizens of Elvi City from the danger of the forest of death.

Elvi City is one of the four cities that can be found in the land of Margina managed by Count Bruella.

The territory that the Count Bruella ruled is one of the largest territory inside the empire. It is because of the existence of the forest of death that is also considered as the largest forest of death in the empire. Forest of death are scattered around the world. Inside the empire, there are total of five forest of death but they are smaller compared to the forest found in the land of Margina.

Despite of having a lower title than other prestigious aristocrats, the Bruella family maintained their reputation as one of the strongest Sword masters in the empire befitting to rule the land of Margina.

"Sir Roel, we have sighted more Cerberus running towards the city! If this continue, we will be outnumbered." A panting knight said loudly enough to be heard by other knights whose in the front line.

Roel, the one who is leading the knights at Elvi City, nodded and tried his best to be calm so the other knights won't waver.

"Okay, continue observing from above and attacked them from a far to at least weaken them. Again, concentrate!"

Under the full bloomed moon, the sound of hostile growling if monsters, swinging of swords and the flying arrows can be heard around the place.

The cerberus uses their sharp teeth and spiky tails to attack. Their height is a lot more taller than humans which also gives advantage to them.

Along the sound of cutting, the three heads of cerberus fell on the ground in just one swing. Roel once again readied himself to attack when he defeated one Cerberus. He coated his sword with blue aura and let out out a shout before thrusting the neck of another cerberus that attempted to attacked him.

They have been supressing the monsters for almost three hours but the cerberus keep coming like no end. This is the first time that they were attacked by such high ranked monsters that can only be found deep in the forest of death.


Their head turned towards the knight who was bitten by the cerberus who was quickly devoured by the three heads.

Because of it, the other knights was distracted and begun to be overwhelmed by the cerberus strength.


"Don't lose focus! If you want to live, break your limits! Help is already coming!"

Roel wiped the sweat that squeezing out from his forehead like tears. He is not allowed to be overwhelmed also by these monsters or everyone will die including the citizens that is entrusting their safety to them. Roel is also a Sword master so he has the bigger responsibility among others.

On the other side, the citizens that gathered at the temple can head the growling of monsters outside the wall.

"Mom, are we gonna be okay?"

"Of course, we'll be fine. The Bruella knights are strong. They will protect us."

"Really? Then when I grow up I will become a knight!"

The mother who heard his son's response, smiled and patted his head.

"Are we really gonna be okay? I heard the monsters that attacked us are cerberus." A middle aged woman said with a terrified face.

Dangerous MaidenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang